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  1. I’ve been in cold storage for the past 15 years 🤪
  2. In the video it shows him cutting the end off …it kinda looks like a stretched piece of hot glass but now I see its just kinda pulled out a little to demonstrate what he was doing…I’m learning ..🤔and it’s shamrock glass marbles that look like the Striped opaque and transparents. I’m seeing so it’s time to look them up 😃thanks guys I’m having a ball!!
  3. I saw the punty cut…. And I saw him snipping the end off the cane …Someone help me on that …it is the first time I have see the procedure done and my main question is was he cutting pieces of the cane and putting them in the machine to round them?
  4. I see that yes …off the cane?!!….I’m on the hunt and getting close maybe 😉.
  5. Those cut lines are very interesting to me are they one cut line mibbs or is there another line hiding in the back?
  6. I bet in a few years marble games will be just as popular as pro football 😃!!
  7. Check out Mr Blocks on line auction but be warned you may need some smelling salt to wake you up after you pass out 😜looking at the CACsssss!!!
  8. It’s sure looks like a fun game and it used to be vary popular for countless generations and then these things came along ..cellular hand phones 📱….and They internet 🤓 maybe if we keep pushing someone’s buttons in Russia 🏴‍☠️…just maybe they could put us back in those days again?? Just saying 🤷🏼
  9. They are not Fiedler Guineas but I’m pretty sure there is a few people who thought they were and probably paid a pretty price for em. They are pretty but not quite as pretty as the real deal. 🎱
  10. I’m thinking of learning a little Spanish and heading to find the Mexican marble maker responsible for this one?😂
  11. Very interesting and you know a lot more about marble making than I probably ever will…. Maybe as time goes on someone will figure it out ..and I sure would like one of those if available I collect the contemporaries and have a few that look close to what you showed me.
  12. Hi Jeff..what is your ideas on the Cambridge Guineas? I’m very open to suggestions!! My assumption is not set in stone and I have been waiting for a logical explanation for years other than what I wrote about them based on my research and a lot of my information comes from local Cambridge residents specifically Carlin Carpenter who grew up in Cambridge and is Watkins best friend and an avid collector. who have been in the loop from the beginning …and Fiedlers granddaughter Betty Fiedler Bender of Chads Ford Pa. she confirmed personally to me that her cousins account on his story ..she confirmed it was the truth …so in my view they are transitionals made by Fiedler at the Cambridge glass factory and who knows how long he was producing them?
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