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B-rett66 last won the day on March 10 2024

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About B-rett66

  • Birthday 11/24/1966

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    GOD, family, flint knapping, antique tractors, leather work, primitive archery,wood working,welding

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  1. Visited a cousin yesterday and we got to talking marbles. He and his dad use to look for artifacts and sometimes visit old home places that are long gone. You can still see remains of bricks and glassware and things plus an occasional Marble. Over the years they found 300 or 400. He’s got every kind of marble under the sun, including German handmaids, Bennington everything. I thought this one would be cool to post. I think it’s Peltier Christmas tree.
  2. If you like peanut butter and bologna you should try peanut butter and horseradish sandwich.
  3. Out of my league. I’m already eating rice, I can’t afford beans.
  4. This is one of the marbles I got in a jar of about 30. Paid less than a dollar a piece. Great score too.
  5. That’s really nice. Great place to find a marble too.
  6. I like WVS swirl. I’ve found some Alleys, Heaton and Cairo that look very close. Thanks all.
  7. Got the best jar of Mable’s ever. Has a bunch of 9 and tails, a Peltier Spider-Man, several Prize names, blah blah blah. I can ID most of them but this one. Is this an older Jabo classic ? It’s clear based, carmel, white and clear red.
  8. Beautiful Marble for a Special day . Happy Easter, everyone.
  9. There are no ribbons. Maybe it a “Naked” rainbow. LOL.
  10. 100% don’t know. Measures just under 11/16. Very faint seam lines that are hard to capture in pics. Thanks everyone.
  11. B-rett66

    Vitro ?

    Vitro Anacortes ? Found this group shot on a Vitro page.
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