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Everything posted by Djp5690

  1. I’m not sure if it counts as a score or not, but I absolutely love purple slag, as I’ve stated many times. I got these for $12.50. Plus shipping. I think that’s a score in my book. What does everyone else think?
  2. Man, I can already tell. I have too many hobbies, but this might become my priority one! So long fishing, baseball cards, mushroom foraging, etc… I got that itch for some glass! I seem to be most attracted to purple slags. Idk why.
  3. I don’t know how great of a score it is, but I don’t wanna get left out!!! I got the three bags of peewee JABO, and the other two bags, for $33. Last pic is my collection after 2 weeks or so. I guess I really dig purple slags?
  4. I’m DJ. Brand new to marbles, but have collected sports cards for years. When people started getting in to fights over $20 retail boxes (that they were selling for over $100 on eBay)I decided to back out a little. IDK enough to pick machines or hand made. as for a pic? Wedding pick with my wife. We got married in bed. In our pj’s.
  5. That’s one of the coolest things about this hobby!!!! You never know where these things have been! Most of my stuff is newer. But I can’t ID anything.
  6. Good point, Ric! I have no idea how old they are, only know that nice wife wasn’t allowed to play with THEM when she was a kid. Which of course makes me wonder where the others are? 😂
  7. I think I did pretty well too. Every thing in both pics for $33 shipped! I really like Jabo, but I don’t need 18 of the same kind, so I will probably have to sell some off at some point.
  8. Just got into marbles. I don’t know nuch, but it looks like this thing went 9 rounds with Tyson
  9. I agree. But there is so much subtle variation. I ended up getting three bags, roughly 180 peewees, for 30 bucks. I felt like it was a good deal.
  10. I just got my hands on a boat load of pee wees. I’m lost
  11. The fist one was listed as a Christensen. It’s beautiful, so I’m all good even if I was duped, I suppose. The second group of marbles are a mixture: some my wife got me, as part of a beginners set (read: many Chinese knockoffs.) and others I purchased singly or in lots because I liked them abd they looked more “real”. My issue is one of clumsiness. I spilled them, then had to separate them. Any ideas what, exactly I have? I’m not complaining, but it can be tough when sellers throw in extra freebies!
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