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  1. HI all, It's been awhile since I've posted. busy. since the marble ( Buckeye) show starts next week. I'm looking to sell my entire collection of mibs, toys ,boxed games etc. privately or thru auction. it would take alot of time to sort thru. also is there an auctioneer that I could speak to concerning selling everything> thanks in advance hope that everyone is doing well. marblemiser
  2. Once in awhile I troll the marbles on e-bay. On several occasions this has been something that kind of bothers me. When I started this addiction 30 + years ago. It was knowledge, or lack there of, that guided the mibs. that I bought. Now, it's scary! I hope that I'm right about this. Is this what the seller say's it is? Or a named hook to catch a big payday $1,500 from a novice collector. The seller has 261+ feedback. https://www.ebay.com/sch/Marbles/58799/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=peltier&_dmd=2&_sop=16 just found another one different seller?? You can get all of these for a mere $ 599.00 whew! https://www.ebay.com/itm/Peltier-Purie-Tri-Lite-Cub-Scout-whit-green-Cats-Eye-614-Marble-lot-no-return/164041457328?hash=item2631a1feb0:g:tuwAAOSw4gVeJnFV Thanks marblemiser
  3. thanks, Steph. I lost all of my pics. when I changed computers. I cropped these pics. & saved them? where there saved I have no idea. this is the only one I found, out of 8? thanks marblemiser
  4. Hello everyone, Well, I've decided to start letting go of my 30+ year collection. So I had some pics taken. And I worked on them for E bay. I need to see how they'll post. Here goes? This is a Pelt Pee Wee. So, somewhere there are other pics? they're in my pictures, don't know how to get them to here? thanks marblemiser
  5. Everyone's a critic? Didn't see anyone else doing it! Having been out of the loop awhile, I found this vid. very interesting. thanks for taking the time to make & post this enlightening vid. Marble on. marblemiser
  6. Once again I have to ask, when is the Buckeye Marble show? thanks marblemiser
  7. thanks Steph, crap~ looks like I'm going to miss it again. marblemiser
  8. Before I miss it again when is the Buckeye show? thanks marblemiser
  9. Buck Eye, most of my common marbles have gone in quart jars. I have several Pelt's but haven't stayed the loop about $$ value. Not really ready to part with those as yet. marblemiser
  10. Missed it last year, so what week is the Buckeye Marble Club show? If anyone is looking for Guinea's, I'll have the rest of mine there. Also the Red base one too, also for sale. thanks marblemiser
  11. Hi all, I tried that in Feb. Have a Red Base guinea for sale. One response. It' listed in Block's book. I said it's not cheap. End of interest. Also have several other guineas for sale. No inquiries there either, I'll wait till Aug. show, if I don't miss it by a day like I did in Feb. thanks marblemiser
  12. I have a 100ct. box of CAC Pee Wee slags. With the original box & marbles/ I posted pics here long ago; don't have the pics anymore, computer change, they may still here somewhere/ marblemiser
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