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VaMarbles last won the day on February 16

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  1. 2nd one…Anacortes 2x. The light blue and green Anacortes are favorites of mine.
  2. This thread inspired me to look for a pale blue base cork.
  3. Always a sucker for a light blue snake. Nice Akro’s my friend.
  4. Sorting some Vitro’s. Not sure what I have here but I like em.
  5. Here’s the very few what I would consider Aqua slags. Not sure of the maker on these or some might consider one or two swirls. All in our slag box. I’m sure some could be pelts? Hope this helps
  6. I’m not sure of a Brick here, not sure on the maker…maybe Master seams? Would like to hear others opinions sometime specks on the marble will look like AV but mostly they are flea bites or other surface impressions. Never seen any brick with AV but maybe someone has? Sorry
  7. Sorry I see nothing “premium” in any of these picture. Ravenswood will normally show themselves and pop
  8. Thanks all. We acquired a lot of Pelts recently so sorting now. Might get this one up on eBay or trade
  9. Transparent base. Pelt colors, got a lot of swirl. Cold roll. Had it with Pelts should it stay there. Nice size.
  10. Left is 9/16 right is 5/8 Orange/brown base is kinda cool
  11. I feel like the center one and maybe the right one are the best chances
  12. Thanks for looking. Have it over on AAM too. Has some damage but so do I. lol.
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