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Shamrock Marbles

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Shamrock Marbles last won the day on November 16 2024

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  1. Double LOL! Back in the 70’s, my Father brought a pair of dice from Vegas. They were clean, transparent with razor sharp edges. Had them for years, but they seemed to have disappeared. It wasn’t until the 80’s that I discovered 4-sided and 20-sided die in the bottom of a dungeon. 😉
  2. Uhm, okay. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skittles_(sport)
  3. I think they called the game “Skittles”. https://www.ebay.com/itm/135202480426 https://www.ebay.com/itm/116486107486
  4. Pretty sure they are. https://marbleconnection.com/topic/29942-buddy-marbles-box-help-me-out-here/ I can’t comment on value. Congrats on your acquisition!
  5. Welcome. Can you post some pictures of your UV marbles? There is a bunch of experience here that can help you identify quickly. The identifying curve is quite steep. It can be very frustrating and fruitless. My most favorite UV marbles are Peltier “feathered” Slags. Followed by the Akro pattern varieties. Looking forward to your continued engagement. John Shamrock Marbles
  6. This post might help: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/459392-how-is-community-reputation-calculated/
  7. I believe it counts reactions to your posts. The more posts with more reactions, then you’ll have more Reaction points. Great job!
  8. How many Peltier pee-wees would it take you to fill it?
  9. I agree with the others leaning toward a double ingot marble. Here is a chart that shows when two single-ingots join together to form a double-ingot marble: Basically, a 9/16" marble when doubled will be about 0.709-inches diameter. ** If you watch any of the Stephen Bahr videos that show marbles being made, you can see that double-ingots are quite common. Just watch the guy with the tongs pluck out those oversized balls. Back in the day, an operator had to operate multiple machines. They didn't have time to sort, because they were busy shoveling and adjusting. Those double ingots were culled out later during sorting and packaging. Double ingots were disposed. That is why you see many from digs. ** Fun marble you have. Might be a foundational piece for collection of "marble oddities". Sincerely, John
  10. There is more to life than being online. No doubt he has much to offer. You can catch him at the Des Moines marble show. His door is open to all. I recommend stopping by and engaging his mind. 🧠
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