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Everything posted by onemorepatty

  1. Okay...now I'm confused (as usual ) I know what you mean about how things have been around here lately and I see your point....I'll go try and get some different photo's and post in a new thread. That way I won't be hijacking this one and maybe it will give a clearer idea. Thanks bunches for your help! Patty
  2. Hi, I don't think so...both poles are showing in the pictures. To be honest I'm not very clear yet on exactly WHAT a pontil is....there seems to be various different kinds. I've been real quiet and trying to pay attention when you guys post so that hopefully something you guys say sinks in... but I really don't think this one has one. Patty p.s if it isn't slag...what could it be? Any help is appreciated. I just got that yesterday.
  3. Can anyone tell me more about this one? Thanks, Patty edit: oops phot's are on page 3
  4. Thanks! I did a little jig when I saw it!! There are some wow eye popping marbles in this thread!!! I keep coming back in just to look! Patty
  5. I just got this one in the mail today....it sat outside all night on the porch...it was too cold to wash up. I hope my photo's are okay. I think it's got some oxblood and a tail...but please, please correct me if I am wrong. It's a smaller one but I don't know the exact size. Patty
  6. AWWW! He's adorable!! He's grown so much since you last posted his picture, those spikes are the BOMB!!! Patty
  7. I'm so glad someone posted this topic....I've been seperating my slags by color for a while now. I still have a bunch more to go and I have some handgatherd ones in a seperate drawer...at least I'm hoping they are handgatherered. 99.9 % of these come directly from my childhood. I had a lot more of these but they were so beat up, I was too attached to just throw them away so I gave them to a super nice person on the board who will fix them and bring them back to their former beauty....seems like when I get them from ebay or in the wild they are all beat up and that bothers me because these guys have a beauty all their own. Too bad that I have no clue as to who made what, when, or where. I'm just in awe. I know mine don't compete with some of the beauties you guys are showing but well....here you go, I hope you like them. Patty
  8. Whoa!! Those are beautiful! I haven't seen those either especially with 2 colors. Can you tell me more about them? Are they very rare? Rare? Or just hard to find? Do they come in different colors too? If I should ever come across one what would be an estimated price to give for one of them? Thanks, Patty
  9. Wow...looks great! That was some good luck you had, I hope the rest of the marbles are just as good. I bought some a little while ago and the person I bought them from was very kind and sent some extra marbles not even listed that I liked bunches better then the ones I bought...go figure, I'm lovin' this hobby! Patty
  10. Your money is well spent...she's beautiful! She looks likes she is a lot of fun too, I want a grandbaby so bad. My daughter says....NO!!! Sigh. Patty p.s. NICE MARBLE TOO!!
  11. oh...I LIKE that, you took a great photo, it makes me want to dig out all my catseyes and look at them. You have some really nice marbles Patry. Thanks for sharing, Patty
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