I'm so glad someone posted this topic....I've been seperating my slags by color for a while now. I still have a bunch more to go and I have some handgatherd ones in a seperate drawer...at least I'm hoping they are handgatherered. 99.9 % of these come directly from my childhood. I had a lot more of these but they were so beat up, I was too attached to just throw them away so I gave them to a super nice person on the board who will fix them and bring them back to their former beauty....seems like when I get them from ebay or in the wild they are all beat up and that bothers me because these guys have a beauty all their own. Too bad that I have no clue as to who made what, when, or where. I'm just in awe. I know mine don't compete with some of the beauties you guys are showing but well....here you go, I hope you like them.