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Marbles With Names

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I think it would be awesome if you would post pictures of marbles with their names and descriptions. It would help me and other people new to this marble world learn about things like Popeyes, Rebels, Golden Rebels, Dragons, Flaming Dragons, Baseballs, Muddies, 7-ups, Bumblebees, German Sparklers, Cac diaper Seams, Moonies, Superman, Buttermilks, Corkscrews, Oxbloods,Rainbo's, Tri-Lites, Sunbursts, and dozens (probably hundreds that feels like thousands)more that are mysteries to me and I bet a lot of us new guys. I expect that there will be differences of opinion as to what constitutes a lot of marble names and types but that would be fun and informative as well. Plus Bonus for you...it might keep us newbies from asking the same questions over and over. I hate feeling dumb! Whadda ya think, anyone game? Pictures and descriptions are all you need but feel free to add anything else about your type of marble that you'd like. I think information is like fun "no such thing as too much of it!" Also please feel free to add any and all the marbles I didn't list as well...Thanks. I can hardly wait to see what comes in!...Nancy

PS...It would be cool if we don't critique others opinions of marble type, cuz then I'll have more opinions posted I bet and it'll be interesting to read them all. It's okay if you post only picture with marble name if you like as well...The more information/pictures the better for me! To tweak a well known cliche - 'More' is more...Thanks for sharing...Nancy

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Actually, it was one of your threads that inspired me to poke around some of the archives for such photos. Steph has been very diligent about creating/creating "collections". There is always so much to learn....sure helps when we can stumble through it together.

At any rate, here are a couple I sort of lost myself in last night....I'm sure there are many more:



Of course I like getting my marbles out, taking the pictures (I swear I take 17 for every 1 I use), cropping/sizing, posting, and interaction with cool marble people. The actual identification is just the icing on the cake!

Have fun!!!

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