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Texas Marble Collector's Inc. Show

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carrollcollier2Cednaeaton2Ccalvingriffith.jpgYesterday we had a small group and we looked at marbles, made purchases, and went to dinner at Louisiana Long Horn restaurant. It's Cajun food and was really good. Tonight, our group was bigger, but everybody didn't go. We went to the Salt Lick for barbecue. Greg Hoglin is here and Steve Dodson, and Benny Jones, and Tom Neel. They didn't join us for dinner. Here are the ones who did.

Carroll Collier, Vice President; Edna Eaton, President; Calvin Griffith, Trustee

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Jacob, Jackson, and I will be there tomorrow morning. We would like to come tonight, but Jackson has a baseball game. Does the official "show" start at 0900? I've got some $ burning a hole in my wallet... hoping to find some MK's that I don't have. Also, I will pay for my overdue TX marble club dues :)


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