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What Are Your Plans?

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I was thinking about the future of all my marbles I have made and the vintage marbles I have collected.

We all won't live forever and there will come a day when the marbles I have will have to be taken care of.

I am not lucky enough to have any family members that are interested in my marbles as I am.

I have two grandchildren that are only 4 months old so it will take years before they might have an interest.

I have a step son that will be the one who deals with my possessions in general but he certainly isn't marble smart about the value of any of them and just rolls his eyes when I try to summarize the values in general.

Basically I don't know what to do.

I'd love to know about your situations and what exactly you'll do about your own collections after you are gone.

I really like everyone that views this thread to respond, not that I am trying to get into your personal business, but I thought this is a topic that concerns everyone here and might be interesting.

So, I hope to learn from your own stories what path I should take.

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Mine go to my son and my grandson. Weldon and I have taught him about marbles his whole life (ten years). He loves marbles. His father loves antique marbles and Robert L. Hamon marbles. If I didn't have them to leave the marbles tto, I would probably stop collecting now. I am involving Joseph more and more with the marbles. A lot of teaching is involved.

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I have read about coin collectors thinking about the same thing my opinion is Make a list of some resources that can guide the ones that will be dealing with your collection Value, Types, Makers, or encourage them to hold on to them until your grandchildren can appreciate them if not leave them with some information on where and how to maximize unloading your collection. On the other hand when the time is right sell them yourself that way you know they will be passed on to other collectors to preserve and enjoy then you can use the money to do with what you please.

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Hi, over the last fifteen years of collecting I have written down each marble-maker, size, condition, color, price paid and what i think it might be worth. May be easier for next of kin to sell. Latey afew have said put their name by this or that one..One nice guy said when do you think you might go??

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Interestingly enough, EVERYONE should have a will drawn up. Whomever is taking care of the kids should honor any special provision you may make known.

Pray you live another 10 years so you can hand them over in person. :cool-smileys-262:

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