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Pee Wee ... Is This A Fiber Optic Marble ....


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Odd. I'm not sure in that photo.

Does the whiter area of the marble trace a circle around the middle as your roll it around in the light?

It is so small ... hard to get a good picture ... for me anyway ... here is one more .... The whiter area does go all the way around ... and actually fills one third of the marble completely ....


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I'm leaning to it not being fiber optic.

For the fiber optics in my box, the white circle is fairly distinct and moves as you move the marble around. Does your white circle shimmer?

I'll try to get some pictures and see what my camera makes 'em look like.

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This shows the distinct lines I see on my fiber optics ... when their equators are in the light.

Flash photo.

Funny thing -- the flash changed the angle of the circle.


So, this is why I'm leaning to yours not being a fiber optic. Your photo is not flash though and the resolution seems different from mine so I suppose if you took a flash photo and got a clear ring it could change my mind.

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Might want to add this to the conservation. My good friend Ron Patterson who has passed away now started collecting these fiber optic spheres when they first came out into the market for purchasing. this has been a few years back, not sure, but he had got me interested in a few of them. Most production on these, in size, was between inch half to two inches in all the colors shown above. Now some rarer size types were up to four inches in diameter. Ron had collected all types and sizes, even some were tri-colored. Some colors are lot more rarer to find than other colors. I have some in my collection of all sizes, just to show them as examples. In most fiber optic marbles you can turn the marble to a position and look down thru the marble and see almost thru it. This is where the light signals ran from one end of the fiber to the other end. These look (kinda) like the pearlized patch on a peltier as a reference. Now for the pee-wee part of this subject, yes they made many pee-wees. The ones i know of came in a replacement set for a ring, you purchased a ring set with a half dozen different colored spheres to put the color desired in the ring. This is one part of the pee-wee subject and i am sure there are many more. I cannot tell on your photos if yours is one, looks to be, but having it in (hand) is much better. These are pretty interesting no matter what size you collect, as per say in the marble hobby having a few examples to discuss. I am not real sure on the exact date these hit the market and where they actually orginated from. Chuck G--

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