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I'm New:) I've Created This New Marble Run


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I'm Jay, I have a channel on Youtube called: "Epic Marble Race League"

I do Algodoo races, but i'm now going into real life marble runs and just created this:


I plan on adding lights to the ramps, and having loads more marbles. I also want to add some lift.

What do you think?




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Hi Jay,

nice to have you here. I am one of the Europe guys. I am located in Germany.

Your 2000 marble test run looks nice. One of the machines that does not care for marble size. Some fine day I will try to make such a wooden construction myself. Thinking on lifting devices there is one fine site - available in german version only - that gives some overview and details: http://www.kugelbahn.info/deutsch/haupt/rauf.html Even if you do not understand german language it might be worth to click through the collection. There are lovely animated gifs to show some lifting principles. But feel free to find your own one.

I think you are best of with the belt lifter system yellowmarble uses on some of his runs. Have a look and feel free to ask him on the construction details. His belt lifter has the ability to lift up hundreds of marbles per minute. The more marbles you want to run, the more marbles you need to lift up. I think you already know him and he gave you the hint to this fine place here. Thanks to yellowmarble.

Jay, what is Algodoo?

@Steph: I think there are run-makers around all over the world. For some reason they seem not to organize somehow. There has been something called "The Rolling Ball Web" but it stopped being hosted anywhere and is just available in pieces on some archive servers. Might be that there are not so many professional run-makers around and even fewer hobbyists. For most people marble runs are simple toys, not worth to worry about when building one and even no need to talk to other people about construction details. Marbles roll down a slope and that's it.

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Hello, Welcome!

I also saw your video and it's a nice one. How many marbles do you have?

About the belt lifters, they are some difficult to make. I used a piece of Bisonyl (sailcloth) which is very strong, but it need some sewing to make a belt. Then you'll need two drums or scrolls, one of them must be equipped with adjustment bolts to adjust the scroll for preventing the belt will rubbing against the sides.

My advice is to use a wheel lift, it's easier to make and it's more reliable.

Algodoo is an app to make 2D animations. When you enter "Marble Race" in Youtube, you'll encounter hundreds of videos made with algodoo (mostly haves the lightblue background), and only a few "real" marble races appear including simple "marbulous" ones who attracts millions of views.

I won't download algodoo, the real challenge is to make real marble runs rather than using cheap or free software. And my opinion is that algodoo is really annoying app that pollutes youtube with (for me) uninteresting videos (often with annoying music) who sucks large numbers of views. Sorry about that, but it's not meant for you.

I also have plans to make big marble runs with large amounts of marbles to stay head on the competition on youtube.

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