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Rediscovering marbles released to the wild

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Have you ever sold marbles at a yard sale and wondered where they ended up?

Today I found a small antique store by accident right across from where I had a meeting. As always, I immediately asked if they had any marbles. He pointed to a bowl near the register and sure enough nice vintage marbles about five to a bag, for $10 each. I saw Masters and Peltiers and some old hand cut agates.

Suddenly I realized: These were all my marbles.

Earlier in the month I had sold them for $0.25 each at a garage sale. One gentleman bought $15 worth, he said, for his grandchild. So he asked me to pick the best and oldest ones.

That gentleman owns the antique store. I think he was a bit embarrassed at being discovered. He said I could take the 3/4" agate shooter I had regrets selling. I also told him collectors were more likely to pay $5 a bag than $10.

Lesson learned: Will sell my marbles to the wild again just for the chance of rediscovering them.

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4 minutes ago, Steph said:

Wild story ... sneaky "grandfather".

I like your attitude.  Glad you got your agate back.


Thanks. If you think about it, seeding your local antique stores with real vintage mibs and then forgetting does allow one to at least pretend to discover them for a few moments. ;)

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