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I bought this marble haul off a local junk/antique dealer. I won’t say for how much, but it was almost certainly too much. 😳

I don’t know where to begin in terms of sorting it. I can barely tell the difference between an Akro and a Vitro. This is going to take me an eternity. 

I figured I’d just post a few pictures of the whole lot, because I thought some of you might enjoy poking through it “with me” to see if you find anything fun. 

Album is on Imgur to maintain quality: https://imgur.com/a/BBZzE85

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The Tom Sawyer bag has a MAILLARD’S stamp on the back, as well as a handwritten name and date of 1955. The bag has a seam, and the paper doesn’t fluoresce under UV. It all looks legit. 

I started trying to organize the marbles a bit by color and realized I’m going to need some boxes to keep them all sorted. Lots and lots of boxes. 

Found some neat Ravenwoods, a genuine steelie, a really horrible fake steelie where someone but a cross into it with a dremel (or maybe a dull squirrel), some parrots, what looks like a Christensen Persian Oxblood (!), and various other oddities. 

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Yeah, that'll keep you sorting for a while.  Looks like a good variety so you should be able to learn as you go. 

I didn't see the steelie with cross pictured but some of them were actually stamped (hollow) and ended up with a cross fold on top where the four points (for lack of better description) come together. 

Looked like some old German handmades in the mix as well, so hurray for that

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