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Akro for Sure--Ace, Perhaps Carnelian if I'm Lucky?


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Hi Everyone,  I need some help with a marble that I just got in a bag.  I'm pretty sure it is an Akro corkscrew because it has that thready wispy white that the Popeye's have and the swirl of a corkscrew.  But, I know it's not a Popeye because it only has one color.  I've seen an Ace on "Marble Alan's Encyclopedia" with this wispy white base.  The orange is somewhat reddish and rich and as your eyes go to the edges of the swirl the orange is lighter, more like orange, so it also looks kind of like the carnelian in the the encyclopedia.  So I'm wondering if I may have gotten lucky, but I'm not one to bet in Vegas, so you know how that goes.  Thanks.

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It does appear to be a Carnelian.


Check it out with a blacklight.  There may have been some Carnelians sold whose base did not glow, but if you have a nice  greenish uranium glow from the base then Carnelian is  a lock. 

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