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rainy day..

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..yesterday so I didn't work in the garden.  I went thru my junk jars and set myself a challenge. I tried to be as critical as possible and reject anything that was not ex+ or better. These are not real world beaters, they were in the junk jar after all. Lotsa Rainbos and corks and a few others. A lot of nice marbles got rejected for a flea bite. Here are some photos of some of the ones that passed.

big ones1.jpg


cats eyes1.jpg


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a couple more.  The top photo is big ones, the yellow cat's eye is almost 1&1/4th. also there is a beautiful Vitro (never thought I would say that). The clearies; one is too large for a game piece, but a nice lavender, the other is just a touch over 1/2 inch and shell pink opalescent glass. The top left cat's eye is the worst one I let through, about a 1/64th fleabite, but too beautiful to reject- hey it's my game I make the rules.

cracked rainbo.jpg

parchment rainbo.jpg

blue snake.jpg

pistachio rainbos.jpg

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Yeah, some pretty marbles.  These intrigue me.  I suspect the darker one at least may be a Master Cloudy.  Is the lighter one glass?  (Wondering if a see a hand-facet on it.)  Edit: Oh, I see you did describe the smaller one as glass in the next post. Hmmmm.


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I guess I should try to explain why I picked the mibs in the 2nd page. The 1st is a rainbo I think with lots of fractures in it, that should get it eliminated, but the cracks are all kind of scalloped, not straight like glass should break. The cracks don't show up too well in the photo. The next one is kind of drab but the base glass is kinda' parchment white and the only one I've ever seen of that color. The next is a blue snake with lots of bubbles and 2 paralell lines of white no big deal except I'm a sucker for corkscrews and I like it. The last is 2 rainbos with pistachio base glass and somewhere between coral and red on the surface. Pistachio may be my favorite marble color and not too common in rainbos.

Steph; " master marble cloudy" suits. I have never heard the term but it fits.



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