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 Should have a bunch of new pic's on Friday. My buddy is coming over to load onto my PC & ext. hard drive just in case !!  Man you talk about allot of work, I literally have 40 to 50 hrs. into the pic's I took, take , look, delete and retake until I have the best possible result's, it's gotta get better than this, have to get a new camera.This camcorder just doesn't have the capacity to give the quality of pictures I desire. Time to save some money up.:computer-22:

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No download today, my friend is babysitting a laberdoodle,  ( Whatever ) Oh well " it gives me some time to upgrade my pic's, Thank's again Paul for all the help on your post, it's really helping me out, slowly but surely I can see the improvement, I really love taking pic's in the noonday sun as i did today," much much " better results for now until I get those new bulb's and equipment and finish my set up. 


                                                                                                                                                        Chad G.

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