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Chad G.

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Easy guess? 

Not for me.  I see why the contrast with the smaller marble would make one think "not-CAC".  And you could be right.  The shade is different and the kinda sorta road and tunnel on the bigger one could just be a coincidence.   But the swirling is not quite "indistinct" enough for me to feel confident making a guess.

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I'm having a day also camera is loaded, I don't know how and my friend who does it is in the hosp. w/ his Mom, everything went perfect this weekend- I think !!! I put up all my mibs the dog's  (My marble counting partners ) kept an ever closer eye on me, they've been lookin all over, they're jealous of the mibs.

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5 hours ago, Steph said:

Maybe it will be easy for an experienced slag collector.  Maybe the shade on the red will be a giveaway to someone not named Steph.

I don't really know either Steph, Akro was just a guess on my behalf, The marble has CAC on one side and Akro on the other side, something just tells me it's Akro, I have been wrong before and will be again but I'm gonna give it my best educated guess. If you look @ Bills ( mibcapper )

pics he has of a cerise agate fooled me big time, the angle he showed matched my second pic perfectly, also a larger mib, I know this isn't a cerise, a much denser red slag glass in the cerise, He's got me more than once. This is Bills pic of his cerise agate, ( pelt ) see what I mean.

I wish to thank Bill (mibcapper ) for posting this pic on the "favorite pelts " thread, and educating us all, nice one Bill ya got me.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Chad G.

I'll put mine right next to his cerise for perspective. If I turned mine a little bit it would be a ringer, I've seen the other side of his and they're nothing alike.




1 (737).JPG

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