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I have been looking for a group or forum too join since I started collecting late last year...I have been a rockhound for some time, which led me to adding marble collecting too my hobbies. As I was getting accustomed to the ins and outs of the forum I figured I better pop in here and say hello! Looking forward to sharing, learning and observing!

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Hello William, welcome to the Marble Connection! I hope you enjoy participating in the forum. There are lots of good people here to share and learn with so please, post away. For the most part, we all like to look at and talk about marbles, marble history, marble making, marble games, and related paraphernalia and topics. We also have a lounge for folks who want to chat about other stuff. Steph's Study Hall is full of examples of marbles and packaging from various makers and if you want help with a marble ID, just post a few pics in the ID forum. Most folks are happy to share what they know.

I am in Indiana, USA. Where are you posting from?

Looking forward to "seeing" you around!


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Thank you, Ric! Glad to be a part of the group! With work and such it might prove tough to be on here every day, even though I would love to, but will pop in when I can! I am posting from Mabel, Minnesota. Indiana? My home state, was born in Indianapolis. Lived in Jacksonville, Florida half my life and moved here in 93'

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