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My big girl Bibi (age 5) and my little girl Bear (going on 9 months) are finally starting to be able to be near each other without going nuclear each and every time.  Still not perfect.  But so much better than in months three through seven.  






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We had visitors for the past couple of weeks -- my girls liked the visitors' vertical litter box.  That's what the first picture above is about.


Then with the visitors gone, the girls enjoyed having their living room back.    They were actually relaxed for the middle picture.  Then in the last picture where they reached out to each other, Bear got tense.  See her ears laid back.  There was a spat after that.  


But so much progress.  Very happy.  

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They look really good! They might improve even more with being in each other's company, then again it might stay as is, with Bear maintaining her "limited" tolerance. You might recall my story about Gabriel and Brittney. I aquired Gabriel and her brother Dominique as kittens in 96', then slowly introduced Brittney as a kitten in 01'. Dominique wanted to kill her, but they became best friends in a few months. Gabriel on the other hand couldn't stand her. Never fought, per say, but stayed apart most of the time. It was a rare occasion to have them within a foot of each other. Gabriel was way bigger (16 pounds), but I think she feared Brittney's quickness (a petite 7 pounds her whole life). Quite comical, because Brittney seemed to know this and would occasionally screw with her head and tease her when playtime rolled around. Charge out of nowhere and do that hysterical sideways walk with her back arched then run away, or sneak up behind her and touch her butt just too make her hiss. Anyway, cat's are a blast! Here are a few pics from the past month of our 2 weirdos....Whiskers guarding his marbles like a dragon over it's treasure trove....a rare mother/son moment napping together (Baby Girl usually prefers her own space also), the abduction of the Christmas tree (took all day to get the tree up because they took turns after that claiming the box!) 😊




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A few more, a couple weeks before Christmas morning....Baby Girl always gets involved with gift wrapping. She loves tearing around in the paper when it gets rolled out! Another favorite pastime of hers is being inside a paper grocery bag. She goes crazy playing inside of it then when she's done, she comes out and crushes it 😂....Whiskers, all he cares about is the stringy ribbons, he tries to chew them and sometimes eat them! Every night, we have adjust all the gifts so he doesn't get to the ribbon. He never tries to do it in front of us, but you can tell his intentions! And Uno, she likes dressing down for holidays. Her thing, she thinks she's the cat's boss. She breaks up any kerfuffle that might take place. Even during the summer, we occasionally let Whiskers and Baby Girl out on the back deck. If they step off into the grass, the ever watchful Yard Boss herds them back if they get more than a few feet 😂....sorry I kinda sorta "pirated" your thread, just really dig the pet stories 😊





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