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Native American game ball.


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It’s some kinda stone. Pretty heavy. I’m no rock guy but it’s not sandstone. It’s had me puzzled for at least 10 years. I did find it on what is supposed to be a Native American site. There are a lot of them here in Southern Indiana. I’ve always thought it might be a war club but others same a game ball. Sort of like Cherokee Rolley Hole 


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16 hours ago, B-rett66 said:

  I hope I can post this here but I’ve been trying to get it identified for a long time.  I just came across it tonight in all my stuff.  As you can see it’s about the size of a baseball. Any ideas. Thanks everyone. 






Definitely has a couple unnatural round wear marks on it, I've found different rocks that were used as fishing net weights, grinding stones etc. The weights had a groove going all the way around them to secure the rope or leather that had been tied to them. Now the state has made it illegal to touch, move or remove any Native American artifact. I have a collection of arrowheads from my childhood from before the law was passed "once I find them  :unsure: " They fishing weights looked similar to these, made from heavy dense stone, I found them all in or near creek beds trout & or steelhead fishing, some near sloughs when I was a kid & had more Getty up go. Oop, there I go again straying off topic, excuse me Brothers & Sisters.


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Thanks Ghad G, just like with the marbles, I’ll keep looking and investigating. Like your finds they are not a naturally occurring stone with grove and being somewhat round. We may never know. To stay with the content of The Marble Connection I’d like to think that this may be an early form of what marbles evolved into. This one would be a toe smasher though. 😁

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