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The Last Akro Dig

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Didn't someone get to do the last Akro dig before the site was paved over or something like that. I do remember seeing pics with a backhoe present. I think it was between 2006-200? Does anyone have any more info on this topic.🔥


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I didn't attend.  I saw a fair amount of the material that came out at the New Philly show shortly thereafter.  Being familiar with what came out of the site in the "Wild West Days" (I visited the site multiple times and purchased from diggers) and knowing what Roger found in his early digs - the last "cleanup" was not that interesting.  Judging from a dig primary investor's problem in selling what he had, I think others had a similar view.


Wild West Days remnants:





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Thanks Alan. I just remember pics of someone sitting at the base of a about 6 feet cut bank where the back hoe took a bucket full out and emptied the bucket to the side for future sorting🔥


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