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Thank goodness for Elizabeth Kempski's book

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I've been very interested in The World of Cat's Eye Marbles for a couple years and finally got it last week. For any newbies out there, I would seriously recommend getting it since it goes into detail about some of the more commonly found Asian cat's eyes and how to tell them apart by country (something we all probably thought was impossible). 


I was really interested in the segment on China in particular. (how Maoist China snuck cats eyes into Hong Kong where they were re-packaged and sold to non-Communist countries). My dad was even shocked to see that some of his favorite childhood cat's eyes came from China in all likelihood. He played marbles in the late 60s and early 70s, and bought one of the exact same packages pictured in the book. It was a Hong Kong balloon bag full of single color 3 or 4 vein cats eyes (marbles exactly matching those produced in mainland China).  

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