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Glows after UV light stops. Can someone help?


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I know there called snowball marbles ( a newer type, not vintage) I believe Vacor is the manufacturer ?? I had a bigger one like yours, I'll have to dig a little. Yes, not uv. reactive but the chunks actually glow.

I found a lot different manufacturers that make them ::

LINK :: https://www.houseofmarbles.us/product-category/marbles/show-me-the-marbles/handmade-marbles/glow-in-the-dark-marbles/

LINK ::  ps://www.walmart.com/ip/NATIONAL-GEOGRAPHIC-Glow-The-Dark-Marbles-Refill-25-Glass-That-Dark-Includes-Storage-Pouch-UV-Light-Marble-Runs-Kids-Building-Toys-S

LINK ::  https://www.google.com/search?q=glow+in+the+dark+snowball+marbles+for+sale&rlz=1C1VDKB_enUS1117US1117&oq=

LINK :: https://www.amazon.com/Big-Game-Toys-25mm-Shooter-Speckled/dp/B086DJ16Z7

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