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I agree wtih Melissa--these look like game marbles to me such as would have come with a "Chinese Checkers" game.

Unless you really know your Akro these are hard to ID--game marbles.

It always involves backlighting them--that being said--you may have a few "Akro Flinties" invloved.

These were included by hapinstance in the game filled boxes

These are a hard call but if you back-light them they will show a fish-eye effect, this is hard to descibe but they actually look less solid colored than in hand and there will be this mesmerizing effect when back-lit---like a fish eye.

Yes. I know the fish eye has been described as the little slits on either cutoff mark but many Akro Marbles will show these.

The Akro Flinties also show an opalescent glow to them went back lit--the reds browns are a hard tell though.

Hope this helps--

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