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Peewee Akro Patch Marbles


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Nice group of the smallies!

Image seven may be a Vitro---colors only make me think this.

#9 is probably a Master Made due to the cutlines and colors.

The rest are Akro imho—just based on experience here and hard to explain.

I appreciate all opinions and hope to see some more.

These little guys all act different from their bigger cousins—yep the 5/8”.

Not always an easy ID these peewees.


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I would say much harder--most, if not all, are patches that are hard to ID vs a Master which are a tad more common imho.

These little Akro Patches were commonly placed on top of the poutch--just one--in the Akro Popeye Boxes.

Collectors called them "Swea Pea" after Popeyes little adopted son.


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