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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. Hot House Glass has gotten some acrylic stands made in the shape of a house. The words "Hot House" are on the stand. A round hole in the house holds their marbles. I got 2 of them at the Sistersville Marble Festival this year. I'll do a pic another time and show that one. They had them made in sizes for different sized marbles. They're neat.
  2. One hand - Thanks Steph. I already had the hand pics and had forgotten about them.
  3. Wooden stand with a depression carved with a router. Several glass artists make these available with their marbles.
  4. Peltier Glass toothpick holder. I have another one with opaque blue and white slag glass that I use for a marble stand too.
  5. I did not take the bowl out of my curio cabinet. I would have had to do too much work - take all the marbles off, lift out the bowl, put the marbles back on to photograph, take them off, put the bowl back, put all the marbles back on again. I'm lazy.
  6. Depression Glass bowl for arranging flowers, has a flower frog in the center and cut outs in the glass hold other marbles by the same artist.
  7. Cube with a depression in it that exactly fits a marble. Found it in a gift shop. They are refractive, make rainbows
  8. Glass artist candlestick by Cal Sugita. The marble is his too.
  9. Antique barware This allows large marbles to stand higher than the small ones. This marble is a 3 inch diameter.
  10. Well Bob, you are making me do it. I took pictures of some of my stands. Coming as soon as I edit.
  11. I use plastic stands, glass stands, candlesticks. special wooden ones made by marble artists, depression glass bowls with flower frogs in them, antique bar ware that measures out whiskey, communion glasses, etc. I have a case with a glass door on the front that was made for golf balls. There are golf tees made into the case. They hold my one inch Robert L. Hamon marbles perfectly. The marble sits on the tee. The case has a door that guarantees safety of the marbles and it hangs on the wall. The antique barware stands up very tall and it holds my largest marbles, 3 inch up above the rest so that they can be seen above the smaller marbles. Wish I could find more of them.
  12. I have some of those I posted in original bags. Don't know where Randy found them.
  13. Bo Stiff, embedded peewees in a balsam wood holder
  14. Bo Stiff peewees, a necklace pendant and a bottle
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