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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. I use Windows 7. I use Google. I use Ranchoweb. My computer freezes when I right click to add the link from ranchowebb to the website.
  2. That is funny. I was thinking the twine looked crocheted and the colored ones looked knitted.
  3. Looks Vitro Agate "phantom conqueror" to me. Sometimes they are called "pseudo-conquerors".
  4. I got mine when digging was hot and heavy at Akro. The seller didn't notice the oxblood. I did.
  5. I love contemps and I love the big ones. My largest is a 5 inch Alloway. Don't think I have any 4 inch, but I have lots of 3 inchers. Unfortunately, I can no longer post pics on this board. No one can figure it out. I gave up and post mine on Facebook and Jaboland. thanks for posting that big marble.
  6. He's even posted it was made by M.F. Christensen. LOL!
  7. We had a great time in Kansas City. We're planning on coming again.
  8. You might try a rock shop for marble stands. They sell stands for mineral specimens that are clear plastic and I like them for marbles. They come in various sizes. They are cylindrical, not cone shaped.
  9. One more thing: Ron you are not terrible at it. You are great at it. Just ask anybody in Texas that attended your workshop.
  10. Ron did a WV swirl workshop in Texas some years back. Ron, none of us are as good as you are, but you taught at least some of us to recognize a lot of WV swirls. I don't know them all, but I sure know a lot more than I did before you came. Willie Benoit has become adept at identifying them too. I understand that you have dug and handled so many that none of us could ever catch up with you. I appreciate all the IDing that you do. I agree with your above post too. Many people no longer post here because they don't like the snarkiness of many people here. I am loving Duffy's facebook marble board. It's easy to post pics and there is no belittling, no snarky comments,no marble snobbiness, etc. It's a good mix of oldsters and beginners and everyone is helpful to everybody else. It reminds me of what this board was years ago, Duffy runs a tight ship. You have to be invited to be a part of it and if you can't follow the rules, you're out. The tone of this thread before Ron came on turned me off. I was hoping Ron would drop by. Thanks Ron for all you said.
  11. Absolutely not mibcapper. He's one of the good guys. One of the best.
  12. Yep Bocci. I had not posted because I thought there was something wrong with ranchowebb. There is not, so I will be posting at Jaboland.
  13. I don't know that seller's name and it doesn't look Alley to me either, but the group I mentioned has named an alley, bacon . Not that long list of names Ernie gave.
  14. After cancelling ranchowebb, getting my refund, I went to ranchowebb and decided to try posting from a dead account to JABOLAND. It worked. My picture posted at JABOLAND. It still doesn't work here. It's not my computer or ranchoweb, it's here that it's not working. I'm reinstating ranchoweb.
  15. I have heard Ron Shepherd, Nola Morgan, and Bill McCaleb use that name on an Alley Agate marble.
  16. It's not free. They refunded by annual fee last night.
  17. I use ranchowebb and it was very easy. I clicked on the little icon that is "image", the window popped up for pasting. I pasted and there it was. Now it just freezes.
  18. Starting this year, I am unable to post pics here. Steph has helped and ranchoweb has helped, but I still can't. As soon as I click on my picture link my computer freezes and the pictures won't come up. I'm too old for this. I'll just stick to Facebook.
  19. Why do I have bad vibes about the name honeybern? Am I remembering something that isn't?
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