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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. Mine arrived and I haven't had time to even unwrap it. Hope to read it this week.
  2. I know this seller and he is reputable. You must have really irritated him. He always refunds money when there is a problem.
  3. You might be correct. I think we would need to have it in hand to know for sure. Maybe Winnie can help us on that.
  4. No need to feel guilty. We are all learners. Share with us why you don't get a Vitro feel for the green one.
  5. The green isn't the right color, but maybe I don't have one of everything. Heck, I know I don't. One was posted in this thread that I've never seen.
  6. I haven't finished going through my first box. Have 2 more to sort. I know I've missed some that should be pictured here.
  7. The bottom row in the Last row on the right in the pic above has a blackie that has a green eye on one end and a blue eye on the other side.
  8. This box is blackies except: The first row on the left are shooter size blackies and the last row on the right are anti-blackies. hope this helps.
  9. It's an anti=blackie. The blackies have 2 black ribbons around the equator. Anti=blackies have black eyes at each pole with 2 colored ribbon around the equator. The eyes can be other colors. I have blue, red, green, gold.
  10. Akro Agate Boyd Miller Boyd Miller Cal Sugita- winged dragon Charles Gibson Eli Mazet
  11. Linda has namd the red, white, blue, and yellow one "Wonder Woman". I must not have found that one yet. None of these I photographed fit that description. Hope someone posts a pic of it.
  12. I've got original bags but never have done pics of them. I've gotten a lot of bags from Randy Gossett.
  13. Tony, I didn't do pics of the ones with frit yet or the lutz.
  14. Thank you Sami. I'm glad to know it's Vitro and why. Marlene they are just patches, not tigereyes.
  15. Ann, I also have Peltier citrus and I don't know how to tell them apart when the colors are the same. I always hope somebody will see the one that is Vitro and either tell me how to tell it from a Peltier or tell me it is a Peltier.
  16. Another of my favorites, orange and oxblood Christmas colors More pastels
  17. this is a favorite of mine. Linda this one needs a name, something like Sara's necklace or sara's something. think of a good one. My favorite from this run "Turquoise Nuggets"
  18. these marbles were run Oct 1, 2013. These look like catsup and mustard pastels Purple and red I like
  19. pink tigereyes and tri-lites one inch patches strange whities 34 inch parrots aquamarines corals Vitro Patch Vitro Citrus Peacocks
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