I've been reading a notebook Randy Gossett gave me. He said it was a provenance book. Actually it's printed copies of the chatboards from long ago, some dating more than 10 years old, long before JABO or Sammy's. There were posts from Sue Cooper, Randy Gossett, Mike Edmondson, Bo Stiff, Buddy Bowles, Bill Tite, Guy Gregg, Alan Bassinet, Shell Neisler, Scott Patrick. and on and on. Long before I remember Galen Wilcox on the boards, The funny part is that people were discussing the downfall of marbles. Same arguments only it was antiques being copied by contemporary marble makers deliberately, etc. It was interesting and entertaining.
This post is clearly designed to create yet another controversy. What's wrong here? Are things too slow? Not enough posts so you want to create a stink?
There was a difference back then in how people disagreed. There was respect.