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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. I have some that size that my nephew found in an auction. There were also some blue oxes that size.
  2. Loved your post Steph. Congress needs to catch up. It's wrong to work every day for minimum wage and still be eligible for food stamps.
  3. I mentioned Dave McCullough, not because he was at Champion at the time, (he was not), but because he knows the story. Just like Ron Shepherd. Dave lives in Pennsboro and he knows the marbles and all the stories. maybe I shouldn't have mentioned such a "controversial" person. Sarcasm is intended.
  4. I don't know the work of J Meyers, so can't comment. You might ask Dani. JM early on could have been John Miller (Hamon) before he started using his mom's name heritage. The problem with that is that I have never seen a Hamon family marble with "messy" pontils. they are always neatly spiraled to a close at each end. I really don't know who might have made this marble.
  5. Steph, I'm still trying to post and it doesn't work.
  6. OK: Here is what happens. I go to Ranchowebb and click on the link for my pic. (left click) the link says hothousemar3b.6842165.jpg I hit copy shortcut and go back to Marble Connection I hit the icon that pops up in the reply box for images the window for URL box pops up I hit paste and get : pic.com/images/sissydear/hothousemar3b.6842165.jpg I hit OK It freezes and I have to hit the back button to unfreeze and start again.
  7. Steph, I don't know if it's a Ranchowebb problem or this board's problem. The Ranchowebb part seems to be working correctly, but when I click on the little icon on this board for posting pics, I get the right window for pasting the link, then I hit OK and it freezes. I have to hit the "back" arrow to get out of it. I'm not computer savvy enough to know what's happening.
  8. My mother in law would disagree that Jesus played keepsies. In her mind that was gambling. Weldon was never allowed to play for keeps. However, every day after school, before going in the house, he went under the house and hid his marbles in jars up on the floor joists. When he went in the house, his mother inspected the contents of his pockets and found that he had the marbles he left home with - nothing more.
  9. Steph I tried to put another pic on here and for the second time in two days, when I click OK, it won't do anything. I don't know if it's Ranchoweb or this site.
  10. Are you looking for Leroy Johnson, the marble mender?
  11. Bo Stiff had one (Margaret Davis set). His entire collection was stolen. You possibly bought it from the thief or someone the thief sold it to. I can't imagine anyone breaking up the set, but anybody with a set could have broken up their set. I'd never break up mine, but who knows what will happen to it when I'm dead.
  12. This is the first Christmas I've had 3 cats. I did NOT put up a tree this year.
  13. try making it John Davis, John Gentile (didn't usually sign), John Miller or John Hamon Miller, John DeMuehls.
  14. One that a master marble maker has made with no unintended air bubbles, centered just right, perfectly round, no blemishes, gorgeous colors, and great design.
  15. Once I was really "down" about a member of the marble community being unscrupulous. Jim Garber said to me "Edna, get a cup of your favorite beverage brewing. (Mine is hot tea) Pick out 5 marbles you really like. Sit down, enjoy that cup and focus on those marbles." I did that exactly! Marbles make me happy. I promise it works.
  16. Thank you for posting this Al. I mostly post on Facebook now, not much here. Randy gave me his entire marble collection. I visited him twice since his diagnosis and was scheduled for a third visit when his health took a dire turn and he told me not to come. I honored his wishes. A memorial service will be held up in the mountains around his hometown. His ashes will be spread in the mountains. If I can go, I will spread some marbles with his ashes, if I can't; I will send some to be spread.
  17. Bobbie Seese is a female, the wife of Eddie Seese.
  18. Bill, do you collect clays?
  19. Opened mine today and Wow! it is far more than I had been told. I love it. I was warned that it wasn't a marble book. It IS a marble book and a history book, and lots of pictures. I love the family history included, all of the pictures, the beautiful marbles. I love the pictures of the old factory sites. I love that Mr. Alley included himself in the book, he took the time to do a Marble Buddies run with us, and he worked alongside of us. And he pictured some of our marble run and even the members of the Marble Buddies. Thank you Lawrence Alley III for all your work, and I especially like the way you told the story of your family.
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