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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. Vitro Agate - one inch patches Vitro Agate, borosilicate marble - only made one time. The boro glass destroyed the tank that was used to make them. They were never made again. Vitro Agate corals Vitro Agate 5/8th inch patch Another Vitro 5/8th inch patch. The patches are hard to find in this pattern and I look for them all the time.
  2. Nice corks. Corks were the first vintage marbles i learned. I bet that's true for a bunch of us.
  3. Slags are pretty. Thanks for posting.
  4. Vitro Agate aquamarines Blackies blackies, last row are hybrid blackies and anti blackies Trilites, helmets Vitro Agate - cosmic rainbows Vitro Agate - Tri lites and 8 fingers Tri lites Hybrid catseyes parakeets 5/8 th inch Vitro Agate patches Whities, 1 two color and 1 white on white (it looks pinkish in this photo) these are 5/8th and i actually have 2 of the white on white, but no pic. Parrots 3/4 inch
  5. Marblelmiser, those marbles are terrific!
  6. I like Peltiers too especially NLR's and multicolored swirls with the Miller Machine patterns. Weldon was the Peltier collector. These were his favorite multicolored swirls. I know there's a new name for them, but they';ll forever be for me what Weldon called them. Some of these are very swirly http I like Champion Jrs. and Rainbos tto.
  7. Vitro one inch patches - color is all on top. Vitro Buttermilk Vitro Tri lites - Aquamarines
  8. Vitro Tri lites and tigereyes with pink glass
  9. Marboman, I think a lot of people have overlooked the lowly Vitros. I have many more. They made more patterns than any other company and used more color than any other company. I've been collecting them since 1992. Don't tell anybody how nice they are or how varied in pattern and color. Akro was my favorite until I recognized how many different marbles Vitro made.
  10. More favorite Vitro Agates - beach balls Easter Eggs tigereyes Parrots Opals There is a marble in the box that is a conqueror with opalescent base glass. It's not an opal (row 2 from top center marble)
  11. I've got four different presidential sets, or maybe it's just three. Everyone from Washington to Obama
  12. Another favorite Rich Hollingshead Margaret Zinzer does more beads than marbles. However, she does make some of my favorite marbles. caterpillars and lady bugs
  13. Nola Morgan, West Virginia Marble Colllector's Club named the "Chick Peas". I had written an article about the pea family in the Texas Marble Collector's Newsletter and called them " Unnamed". West Virginia reprinted my article, Nola saw it, and told me what she thought their name should be. I agreed. Thanks for the feedback.
  14. Kevin O'Grady - second in the missions of California series. Some favorite Vitro Agates - Pea Family Biscuits and Red Eye Gravy blackeyed peas Chick Pea shooters Chick Peas Sweet Peas Pea Family
  15. Favorite Kris Parke - soft glass marble
  16. Favorite Andrew Brown, battuto Favorite Rich Hollingshead
  17. Don, you have too many. Dani Kirk once told me that the number of red spirals I had was illegal. I'm thinking you may be breaking a law. you should give some away real quick.
  18. I'm looking at my post of the marble that used to be Patry's and I think the first pic is not correct. I think an Alley marble is in the first pic. I took it down.
  19. A Ravenswood that used to belong to Patry Denton. She sold it to Calvin Griffith and he sold it to me.
  20. this is a Josh Mazet that i like a lot. It's hard to even pick 1 of Josh Mazet's. I just might like the one below even more. There are several windows in this marble ranging from a mattte finish to crystal clear. If I had to give up one of these, I'd probably keep this one.'
  21. that single marble I posted, several blues, is not Vitro. Probably foreign made.
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