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Everything posted by n2marbles

  1. http://cgi.ebay.com/Antique-Sulfate-Marble...1QQcmdZViewItem I don't understand why a guy would run up a marble and have to pay final value credit on something that nobodys paying for?
  2. Oh bummer, the 2 grand marble people didn't work out....now it's $150.00....it's a trust game.
  3. http://cgi.ebay.com/19c-4-Lobe-Mottled-Oni...1QQcmdZViewItem 3 guys, 0 feedback....really ran it up beyond it's worth.
  4. http://cgi.ebay.com/Superb-old-5-8-Superma...1QQcmdZViewItem What do you guys think?. Steve
  5. I admit I would have liked to be involved in seen them made but there's really nothing different in them as any other new contempary marble, except it's true with all the runs you can get them for 2 bucks now instead of $20.00 just a few months ago. Just my opinion, please don't get mad at me....lol. Steve PS....I do know even Galen is a advid collector of jabo's.
  6. Thanks bj, it's as good as quess as I had. I wonder if I could have ordered one on a special imported limited edition VW.....lol.
  7. Gee...a guy could get a complex. Doesn't anybody have any idea of these?. Steve
  8. I'm sure some has saw these before. I got it from a ebay germany seller saying it was a dug marble. I have several all sizes with hole 3/4 the way through. 1 1/2 inches. This one is nice because it looks like a ball of yarn?????? Was it used on a post or lamp?. Please tell......Steve
  9. I agree with the scratches or pocket wear. A 100 year old marble has been handled and has scratches from rings on hands etc. When I get a marble in mint plus condition I get a dull ache if I can't see at lease a few scratches with a 20x lupe. Only my opinion...Steve
  10. Thanks to Gary I got to finish this at the Orange County show........Steve
  11. I think there cool. What and how were they used for?.....Steve
  12. Is this the real deal ringer?.....290301218815 Here's a LINK
  13. I aways heard something about the staples, like the old ones are square and the new ones are round, or visa versa. I have seen the difference with a 20x loup but can't remember which is which. Steve
  14. Is this a ringer. After taking the pic I think I see a hint of yellow beside the purple?. What do you guys think?. Steve
  15. Me, Me, Me.... Can't wait. Gonna bring some nice chrissy cyclones for 5 bucks, hybred popeye's for 3 bucks....probaly all go fast....lol. Getting there wed. see ya there. Steve
  16. Thanks Clyde but I got one on the way. Hope to see you at the Fullerton show next month. Steve
  17. Thanks Leroy, I,ve tried that email but maybe somethings wrong with my email. I'll continue to check it out. Thanks for the answers.....Steve
  18. Is this marble scarce or nobody want to talk to me?
  19. If anybody or anybody know's of one out there please let me know. Thank you. Steve
  20. I got home the other day to find a jar of marbles from a friend. As I cleaned them I was surprised to see pelt rainbows, clearies and St. Mary cats....Rainbows are all 3/4 and over......So I got online and bought a nice contemp. from Shannon Norris to give to my friend. Got here in 2 days. Fireworxglass...great people.
  21. I don't know much about the above marble. I found one the other day with thin line of oxblood from the top to bottom. Is that rare or do alot of these have oxblood?. Steve
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