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Everything posted by n2marbles

  1. Nice beachball with yellow....REEEEEEL nice. Steve
  2. Just for the book how many 1 inch or over ginnies are out there?. Steve
  3. I was gonna do the buy it now but I thought the shipping was kinda high.....lol
  4. Do you have a mailing address for a card..Steve
  5. I'm sorry Galen I must confess...that scenic I gave you with me plowing my fields is a fake also....lol
  6. Here's a cool bag of ravenswoods. They are all a little over a inch. Nice muticolored patch looking marbles? Steve
  7. Nice box, makes it better with Gropper on it. Way nice box. Maybe Ken would be intereted? Steve
  8. Great, bring some of those nice corks youv'e been winning....Steve
  9. So nobody comming...maybe to early to talk aboout it?. Galen.....you comming?. Steve
  10. That white meat would be about a 38DD.......lol
  11. what are you talking about Galen, that Golden Rebel and Superman are high dollar and rare?????? Steve
  12. Me, me, me.....Hey anybody hear or talk with Steve Purch latly?. Haven't seen him since last year in Fullerton. His aol address comesback. His number is no good?. He's got a blue base peralized patch I want. Hope everythings well with him. Steve
  13. Ok, seriously this is a one if a kind prototype. If he don't make more it will be worth thousands next year...come on Galen, you want to partner up with this opportunity.......roflmao
  14. That is one of the new error Jabo box's.....im not dum
  15. Nice, anybody see a peewee peralized patch?....
  16. That's an unreal chrissy peewee box, never saw one before...thanks
  17. I got a popeye that is right at a 1/2 and think it's polished but those of yours look original...Steve
  18. Nice....what is the top pic, akro cork?
  19. Their all below 1/2 inch. China is a double rose. Black clam is a maglight. Gooseberry. Onion with mica. Green glass mist. peppermint. The chrissy is a striped transparent. I LOVE PEEWEE'S
  20. This is a single akro box I got from him a year ago. I can't say nothing except he gave me a refund...lot's more pics but can't get them to load....yes that is silicone and inside the hole you can see a line where the "stain" stopped
  21. I didn't realize it was a repro. but it's true it's a different pink than our othe pick stuff...of course isn't it all in the color....lol thanks guys for the post. Steve
  22. http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-Glass-Boy-Shooting-Marbles-Toothpick_W0QQitemZ120516662995QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMarbles?hash=item1c0f5a56d3 I've had one of these for years and never realized this is what he was doing (of course it comes with my age)...to cool. Steve
  23. Thanks, whow that picture when downloaded is huge....still have to work on making pics smaller.
  24. all mibs 1/2 or smaller..tried to get the color of the micas. overall board is a little over 5 inches
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