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Everything posted by marblemover

  1. i think these are all older ones
  2. um, how about "Nova", "Root Beer Float", and "Pink Champagne"?
  3. it's not the best of pics since i was using my old funky camera, but you're welcome to it/them. maybe i'll break out the jar and take some better shots some day...in the mean time, here s'more
  4. hey steph, nice loop on that one--it could very well be an Anacortes Vitro. don't know if they made 4-vaners there, tho. i got this Vitro Anacortes Line Jar from Raelyn Dolton. am told these jars were production line samples that were scooped up out of what came off the machines during the time Vitro was located in Anacortes. this jar was labeled May 4, 1990, 2nd Shift, #126. i assume May 4 of 1990 was the date the marbles were made. i don’t know if these came off of more than one machine on the same day, or if they actually ran this many colors through at once. the jar contains cat’s eyes with at least 6 vanes in a variety of colors: the vane colors on the caged style include pale minty-green (some with gray-to-white edging, some with black-to-brown edging) and brick-red to dark brown (some with white or pale green edging). the non-caged style vanes are green-gray to gray-black (with very wispy, nearly transparent blade-shaped vanes) and black, white, and brown to gray-green (some with all four colors present). i found only three of the horseshoe type in the jar (with numerous wispy vanes): one very light gray and two dark gray.
  5. Yes, Anacortes is Vitro. To my knowledge, the typical horseshoe shaped ones were 6-vaned--sometimes they had regular blade-shaped vanes, but more often cage-style vanes.
  6. marblemover

    Marble Id

    Melanie, I'm curious...could you post some more pictures of the two marbles I've circled? thanks, paula
  7. Hey Al (or anyone who knows)--That bag of Victories looks like Conquerors to me. And the bag of Conquerors looks like Conquerors to me, too! So, were "Victories" (patch on transparent clear base--no brushed-on white) packaged interchangably with Conquerors? paula
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