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Everything posted by SNYD

  1. Polished marbles.............. :Emoticon-jawdrop: oh my god ! Before I get into the machine portion of this topic, let me please explain my thoughts about polished marbles. I know some of you have heard this before but here it is again. I think that within our fine community of marble collecting there are subgroups that have different intensions and goals. You have the group that I call ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) sorry ! These are the people who have obtained tons of marbles in which any manner they could. They did this as an investment and want a good return on that investment. This people do not like polished mibs becaue now a hard working person can by a marble that is very very nice for a lower price than their invested original. Here is where it becomes confusiing: :Sad_headshake_tweetz: You buy an old house and spend time and money restoring it.......you sell it for a good price You buy and old rusty junk car and you restore it for big money You buy and restore old guns for huge money You buy and restore old furniture for big biog bucks But you restore an old part of history made of glass the siae of a peanut and your a bad person and the mib is not worth good money? uhm You see. If these people keep pushing out polished mibs their investments stay strong. They do not give a hoot about anything other than how they will make out in the end. Now you have the group that loves collecting to make some money but to have great looking mibs. This folks can afford a polished mib that is $40 instead of the $300 it is in it's original state. I'm cool with this. I have a lot of great old mibs I have polished and look darn good in my collection. The cost is so far below the cost of buying a mint mib. Yet, I know and tell everyone they are polished. In some cases I have been told they look better than original marbles. The thing that really gets me is this. The jerks that feel they can polish a mib and then sell it for the original cost and lie about it being in it's original state. So, now you dishonest people involved and you have the investment sh_ _ heads giving a polished mib a bad time. Hey if everyone threw every marble that was not mint in the furnace and distroyed life would be so much better. You see, I am a perfectionist when it come to polishing. My driveway is full of mibs that just could not be saved, so they get a kind word and booted to the gravel driveway. Okay you saying where is all this going......... Buy and sell polished mibs as they deserve. Not like a banished unforsaken glob of junk. Be honest and sell them as they are. This may help people understand the fine life left in such a marble. Polished marbles are nice and could bring more money than they do if they were given the respect they deserve. They may not be the $300 original but they could be just as nice $40 or $50 mibs. As far as machines. I was tired of buying machines that did not do the job or did not hold up. I designed and built my own machines. ( I do not polish for people, I can't trust how they will sell them) I have had a bunch of folks want to buy my machines. So, I priced everything out and I have come up with a price. I have been told I am $100 - $200 less expensive than machines on the market made from wood. I am going to show my machines for the first time ever at the Sistersville marble show in WV this year. I am going to bring five machines to sell and I will have one or two set up and running. This is a good way to increase your collection. The machines are made of aluminum and have 60 RPM motors.
  2. If anyone is interested in three head machines, you should contact John Snyder @ [email protected]. Your going to invest some hard cash to buy a machine. His are made of all aluminum, "not wood". The wood ones are hard to work with and you know what happens when wood gets damp or wet from liquids. John will be showing his machines for the first time in public at this years Sistersville marble show in WV. It's hard to believe, but his custom bilt machines made of all aluminum are about $100.00 less than the wood ones. The other nice thing is that he is not affraid to tell you the tips, hints, problems and headaches upfront. If anyone is interested email me direct, I'll give you his phone # Oh, one thing more. Do not ask him to polish mibs..................He does this for his own collection and he feels that if someone pays to have them polished they are more apt to sell them. He don't mind polished mibs, he hates people who sell polished mibs as original. Even though he thinks a restored mib is better than a garbage dump for the life of a shipped mib if people were just honest about it. If you buy one of his machines and he finds out you are selling mibs as original and they are not........you won't be able to hide well enough. He will find you and your ears and ass will ache.
  3. I use 220 grit to start, then I do 1000 grit. Final polish to get the glass shine I use SUper Cerum. Try Kingsly North for the grits. I use a three head machine. At this time I am running eight and I have sold four machines to local guys to polish mibs. Snyd
  4. Last year at the Sistersville marble festival I ran into several mib collectors that read this forum. We said we should have let each other know we were going so we could meet. Well, I am going again this year. So, anyone who reads this that will be there, Saturday @ 5:00PM, lets all meet at the auction table in front of Jim King's store. We can enjoy a hot dog & drink and of course talk mibs and show our finds. SNYD
  5. This is very sad news. The Lord is our sheppard, his flock is coming home. Blessed we have been to have known them and to have them in our memories. Their memories brought us joy and knowledge, it fits that the work they did with the marble books has documented their being, as they left something for us before they left. If anyone is offended I apologize, I believe in Christ and I thought a quick kind word to their memory was due. Hey folks, life is not forever, we all grow old and leave this world. Please make time for our young and teach them your knowledge so that someday you'll be missed as deeply and remember as much. It's not what we have when we leave, yet what leave when we're gone. I hope I have made someones day and earned another day! SNYD
  6. Please help, I am not a wizard with computers by no means. I have my photos in Dell Picture studio v2.0 and I am trying to get pictures into marbleconnection. SNYD
  7. SNYD

    I Have To See This!

    The ring is the most incredible thing I have seen, really. After doing research on Bakelite, if they are bakelite, which I think they very well could be from what I have read. You are blessed! Thank You for sharing it, it's wonderful................
  8. Hi all. First, let me give a little more information about myself then I'll get into the question. I am a plastics professional. I have been in plastics for 26 years. My presnt titles are Innovations Manager and Assistant Quality Manager. With these careers I do a lot of research. I subscribe to a plastics news letter and this month's headline is "100 years later, Baklite Shines". Here is the interesting part. It talks about Leo Hendrick Baekland, the inventor of Bakelite and all the things that were made of this man made plastic, which is a plastic that once heated and formed it could not be reheated and used. The most exciting thing I saw was a picture of toys made with bakelite, cars, wheels for pull toys and you got it "MARBLES". The company,General Bakelite Co. Perth Amboy, NJ and in Boonton, NJ. that made bobbin ends and marbles. Does anyone have a Bakelite mib? Has anyone seen one? I have a new quest to reserch the Bakelite mibs. Any help would be appriciated. Just for fun..............go to www.whirley.com, this is where I work and what we make................fun WOW.............
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