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Everything posted by MrsMopar

  1. Nice to meet ya and Thank you for sharing that information Roger. It was fascinating and with pictures, it helps so very much more. I don't think I have anything like those but at least now I would know more about them if I were to come across any. You definitely have taken a lot of time with this and I appreciate your efforts. :-) Felicia
  2. Awesome Pics and Information Alan! It's like archeological findings. That thousand dollar fine would definitely keep me out, even if just for curiousity...Thanks for that information zaboo. Verrrrry interesting stuff! Felicia :-)
  3. OMG! They threw out pretty and different marbles? Dangggggg... Thank you Alan for that information, very kewl you have some of that equipment and have gone to these plant digs. That must be quite an awesome experience.
  4. Thank you Steph...I have to say, that's a lot of information. And, I do admit that at the first page, my mind went 'HUH?"
  5. Forgot my manners, Thank you for sharing these great marble pix! :-) Felicia
  6. Thank you Elizabeth...very kewl and informative :-) Great pix folks!
  7. Oh, does that one that is blue and yellow (the one I said looked like that popeye picture) count as a corkscrew?
  8. I have two (laffing at m'self) and both go in the same clockwise direction. That doesn't help the odds/stats huh? :-) I like that cork/spiral pic too...helps me to understand what I'm s'posed to be looking for. Thanks Steph, Felicia
  9. Wow! Great looking marbles...your site looks fabulous! Thanks.
  10. Thank you Al...very kewl! Leastwise now I know about more colors and width varieties in the bananas :-)
  11. Oh...also, as I was looking at the few that I had, I was wondering why some of them the vanes met in the middle and some had a space in between.
  12. Oh.............. My.............. Goodness........ WOW! Those were amazing cat's eyes. I had nooooo idea there were so many variations in style/type/color, etc. Thank you Pinx for that link! :-)
  13. Thank y'all! I think, by the descriptions as well as the great photos, I have four. This is uniquely intriguing and fun learning about the various marbles and from such kindly folks as yourselves :-)
  14. Thank you Dan for the photos. I can see the 'liquid brick/fingernail polish' look that y'all are talking about. So, I think that I will go waaayyyyyy out on a limb and say that I do have at least one. If I am wrong..then I just fall out of the tree, brush myself off and start at square one again :-)
  15. I'm thinking I may have a few but someone would have to take a look-see as I do not have the technology to display any, just to be sure. I did, however, find some that look very similar on another post/pics. http://marbleconnection.invisionzone.com/i...st&id=10276 The one in the bottom row, center, is similar to one as well as the one on Al Oregon's avatar. Even looks like a swan. I think it's great to be able to learn, see, read and compare mine to what is out there in the marble world and actually get names and more. Thank you for your time :-)
  16. How can you tell the difference between oxblood and red on a marble?
  17. Thank so much zaboo. My eyes see that the slag is more intense with the white swirl as well as deeper color. I see the transparent one as a confused white swirl and somehow seems less intense. That helps a great deal. Thank you Dan and zaboo, this sure helps a lot!
  18. Thank you Dan, those are very good pictures. So, it's got a LOT of white swirling on and inside just about any color glass, correct? With the exception of that feathery one...would that be kinda like wisps of white? Hmmm...wonder if someone can show one of those 'transparent swirls'...be kewl to look at them on the same page for comparison. I appreciate everyone's assistance in these posts. Y'all are just so kind :-)
  19. I have read several posts and seen pictures. What I would like to know, in simplified wording, what is and is not a slag? It seems, to me, there is a lot of white and swirling inside and outside. How can I tell, for myself, if I have any?
  20. Thank you gdp1..that was a very interesting read :-)
  21. Yeah, I think that was on that page about kids breaking bottles to get to the marble. Wonder if we tried that with a cola bottle...would the marble shoot out? Just kidding <smiles> Ping ping pinnnnnng..lol
  22. Oooohhhhhh (slaps my forehead)...Now I get it! Thanks for clearing that up for me :-)
  23. Hmmm...It boggles the mind sometimes to ponder some of the things that were created in the past and how they were used. How DID they get that in there, much less out? Could they have used a special tool to remove the stopper and then place it back in?
  24. Duh me...should said like on that first marble, there is that line where the red meets the yellow...is that considered the top?
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