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Everything posted by MrsMopar

  1. Verrrry kewl! Thank you for sharing with us carole. Call me dumb but does the top of the marble have the line connecting the colors? Is the middle the other side? (And you just know I'm gonna look for lines in the marbles) <smiles>
  2. I have a friend in England and she had mentioned reading something about bottle stoppers, keeping the drink in and the flies out. Sure enough, marbles and the like were used for such a purpose. Check it out: http://akronmarbles.com/marble_production.htm
  3. OOOoooOOO (blink blink) I like that light blue/white/medium blue one Al...puuuuurrrrrty!
  4. Oh, ok...it's great learning all this new stuff...at least it's new to me...everyone who has posted information and pictures has been so very helpful! I was reading something from another post earlier and there are so many things involved that I just never knew about in the process of marble making...quite interesting and historical as well. I appreciate every ones input. This doesn't help just me but others who are new to this fascinating world of marbles.
  5. I read that article about Bogard's and saw no mention of banana cat's eyes. They did have some sparkly, nice ones though...must be the bubbles.
  6. How'd ya know I'd have some? Is it obvious in the pics? They're a good one to have huh? They are puuuuuurrrrty neat!
  7. I went through the cat's eyes I have here...2 stand out, one has blue vanes with green on the egdes and the other looks like it's got soft pink/peach rose petals (lighter toward the middle).
  8. OOOoooOOO...puuuurrrrrrttty! It's like looking at 'eye candy' but well..yanno lol
  9. Veryyyyyyy pretty...thank y'all so much for sharing these...it helps get a better idea of what to look for in some here :-)
  10. Seeing as I am new...can ya show a picture of what these white slags and vaselines are?
  11. This is kewl. I am like 99% sure I have a few..the 1% unsure could be dispelled once I have confirmation. I have one that looks like Al Oregon's avatar..like a swan.
  12. Ohhhhhhh, ok..thank you for clarifying that Al. Ummm, so would the 2 red, 2 white, 2 blue be Japanese?
  13. Y'all got me looking at my cat's eyes more carefully...lol. There's this one, looks like a star and through the magnifying glass, it looks to have only 5 vanes (vane is the color 'strip'inside?). It's sorta red/pink inside. It's like there's 3 from one and 2 from the other and they don't quite meet in the middle, but very close though. Then there's the red, white, blue one and a blue, white, green one that seems to match the Japanese description.
  14. Awesome! So, let me try to get this, 3-way vane is 3 colors but arranged to make 6 vanes?
  15. Wow! Didn't know there were even different 'styles' in American mades, let alone foreign cat's eyes. Thank you for the insight :-)
  16. What's the difference? How can you tell?
  17. I used the Aquafresh..has that triple stuff...paste, breath freshener and something else.
  18. Wow...looks like there's lotsa various ways...I tried the Coke, it didn't do so well, then tried the toothpaste with a q-tip and they are nearly rust-free!! They're even shinier and my hands are minty fresh (chuckles). Thank you so much!
  19. You can tell more of the detail by having marbles in water? Something new to try for me...kewllllll!
  20. You're welcome. I have read many of the posts on the different boards since I cannot share pics, couple hours a day. I figure, besides learning something, maybe I will see something that looks like what I have here.
  21. Found this in the Archives section...would it be helful? http://marbleconnection.com/i...?showtopic=2687
  22. What's good for that? Some of these marbles were, for many years in a jar, in contact with what looks to be a metal musket ball. Thanks for the help. Felicia
  23. OOOoooOOO...red...I'll havta keep a look-out for those :-)
  24. Yes it has..thank you sooooooo much Steph! :-)
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