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Minnesota Marble

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Everything posted by Minnesota Marble

  1. This is what I believe was the last marble from Les Jones collection. It is about 1.75" and mint - with some general wear. Bernie
  2. That case is awesome!!!! I wish I had one like it full of my handmades. The machines are fantastic!!!
  3. This is my clambroth marble case. It was hand made by a friend. Bernie
  4. As far as I know all of Les Jones`s collection is gone. His wife sold as mentioned before and I was told by her that I bought the last rare marble she had and it was the last because it wasLles`s favorite. That`s all I know. There is a funny story behind this last marble purchase....right Bill Tite??? Minnesota Marble
  5. All of Les Jones's collection is sold and none are left according to his wife. They were sold to many different collectors with some of the rarest sold later.Of all the years I knew Les he never mentioned nor displayed any super large onionskins.There is a possibility that he never brought them to a show though. As far as his wife had mentioned,I was one of the last she sold to. Minnesota Marble
  6. Dan, I promise to.I am desperately trying to find out the best way to post pics. Steph has advised me because my pics are too large. I am a newbie to that area. I am learning though and will get it and post my entire collection in time.
  7. Just thought I would try posting a few mibs from my minnesota Collection. Bernie
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