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Minnesota Marble

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Everything posted by Minnesota Marble

  1. This is what I believe to be two completely seperate marble canes fused together.To clarify there is one complete cane(latticino) and another "clear" cane There is a subtle "glass line" near the equator showing one half and the other are seperate. I find these marble types...if there is a "type" very much a curiosity!!!! This is the only one I have stashed up North!!!!! Bernie
  2. you are welcome. It takes time but my goal is to drive interest in our super fun hobby!!! WE all need to share and we will all get something out of it.
  3. 2 3/8 " 1/2 lobed mica and 1/2 blizzard mice floating with shrunken onionskin core
  4. 1 5/8" Double floating mica panel with shrunken onionskin 2" Lobed DBL floating mica panel
  5. Randy, Awesome mibs........hope I can fall asleep tonight!!!!! Bernie
  6. Perhaps a section of........baby clams....lutzes....indians....and maybe miacs!!!
  7. Bill, I would need all peewee clams to fit.....got a couple handfulls for sale to a bestest buddy???? Actually I am looking for 4 types of peewee mibs to fill each quardrant...
  8. Randy, I am working on finding you that last mib. B
  9. Crazy beautiful marble JVV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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