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Everything posted by MarbleClueless

  1. I love them! Thanks for posting......and if you want to rid yourself of the pesky things just let me know! Suzie
  2. Merry Merry to all.... and special Merry Merry to Steph. I appreciate you very much!! Suzie
  3. I have a question...sort of on topic. Occasionally, there will be listings which indicate they sold at what must be an error. Recently there was one for $52,000 and another for slightly less. I've seen a few that seem to have been done as a joke. Are these sellers on some vastly different fee schedule? I think eBay’s fees are high and wouldn't want to risk incurring fees on shenanigans. Similarly, I would be afraid a shill bidder would win the lot. It wouldn't take many wins to incur more in fees for shills than the extra revenue for driving up the price. and...and...and...while I'm griping. I have been watching a couple of items which I noticed because they were listed at ridiculous "buy it now". They have been listed for years (literally). They will remain there forever because the price is not realistic. I don’t see how that pays for anyone. I guess my question is.....how can people afford some of this? Is there a lot of variation on fees between sellers? Are all us little hobbyist small timers (speaking for myself) paying more than our share?
  4. lol...funny you asked that. I told the friend that gave them to me that I'd probably have to keep them, as is. She laughed and said "I knew you wouldn't eat them so I got you these" and she pulled out a nice box of dark chocolate crisps! So these will go in my collection...
  5. A friend of mine gave me an early x-mas present. Marbles!! You can see the label from the thumbnail pic
  6. Wow! That box of Sparklers is just...well...wow... I would love to have that in my collection!! Or, have that BE my collection! Steph, thanks for linking to the thread, too. Ann, thanks for the description. I've noticed most of what I think are Master Sunbursts have an opaque patch. Whereas, the few (very few, like three) marbles I have which have been identified as Sparklers, don't seem to have an opaque patch. The sparklers seem to have a concentration of the filaments instead of a “patch”. Or I maybe don’t have a clue of which I speak! Maybe my best option is to acquire a lot of sparklers so I can study them up close Thanks!!!
  7. I need a new camera for marbles. My camera is a "tough" Olympus. And I have proven it is tough. But the pictures aren't that great on the marbles. Maybe Santa........ The one on the left is what I was told is a foreign sparkler. It is different but the pictures don't show it well.
  8. Happy Thanksgiving, all! This post was inspried by the Master Oxblood discussion, but a more fundamental question. What are the diffentiaters between a Master Sunburst and an Akro Sparkler? I don't think I can tell them apart. I took some pictures of some of mine. I included what I have been told is a foreign sparkler. I can tell that one apart from the others. Are any of these NOT a Sunburst or Sparkler? Thanks!! Suzie
  9. lol...I guess I am just late to the party. I did a quick look at the thread. I will have to go back and study more after dark...my garden is calling me now. Thank you!!!!! Suzie
  10. Ahh.....I bet they are the Marble King. I should have mentioned I had more than pictured. I have all the color combinations shown + one more. I already thought they were all probably kin. You guys are the greatest!
  11. and they were apperently thought very highly of. In a previous post I explained how my dad bought some marbles at an auction. The marbles were all labled and priced, as if they had been in a retail environment at some point. These were labled corals but don't look like any corals I have known. They are 5/8" (one or two maybe slightly under) Can they be confirmed or denied? Thank you very much in advance for looking at my marbles. Even more thanks if you comment Suzie
  12. My dad picked up some marbles for me at an auction awhile back. Most of them were individually packaged and priced, as if they had been in a retail shop at some point. For the most part the identification and pricing seem about what you'd see in antique/flea market. Well, except for maybe these and the "corals" (I'll give them thier own post). Thier bags were marked: CH 1" Flame Hee (or maybe Ree). They are 1". They don't seem familar to me. I wouldn't have described them as flames but I can see why they might be considered flames. Just curious.
  13. What a cool find. I think I have a bobber just like the one in the pic. I want one! Suzie
  14. Thank you for proving some history. I love the contract. Nothing like subtle language. Suzie
  15. It's 5/8ths. I've made mental note to include the size when asking new ID......I knew that but seemed to have overlooked it in my enthusasim. Thankyousomuch!!!
  16. No. I don't think it is vintage or what I call vintage anyway. On the otherhand, it probably has been sitting on my shelf for 8-10 years. I like it and it does seem unqiue. I haven't paid much attention to JABO (the marbles or discussion thereof) so I don't know when they began manufacturing them.
  17. It is 5/8ths. and thank you so much for you input! I'm rusty....not that I was ever well oiled.
  18. I don't know but I was guessing Jabos. I don't have many that I think are....I sure do like these, tho.
  19. oops...I meant to include this in with the other two I think are related.....but I'm not really sure.
  20. What about this marble....what tin does it belong in? This is a cool marble...I don't have any idea what it's ancestry is: I can't believe how much I missed doing this!!! Thank you!!!
  21. Is this a Christensen or Peltier? Or something else? I have it in with my Christensen's but the color sure blends in well in the Peltier tin. Once again, thank you in advance for your help!!
  22. My turkey marble (color of the month) was in a container with some others I suspect are kin. I have my suspicions but hoped someone could tell me more: Here is that turkey with a couple of more views: This one is loaded with aventurine: Onto the next ID thread Thank you in advance for any comments and information!!
  23. Let it not be said that I don't have any imagination.....I see a TURKEY here:
  24. I thought Bo made the Phoenix marbles. I would have attributed the marble incorrectly if not above. I did post Bo's miniatures in the Peewee thread earlier this evening. A Gibson creation. And a gift from Art Jones (the bananas).
  25. But I have the Peewee'est of the all...... Bo Stiff's Akro Popeyes Hello, all. You might have thought I was lost and gone forever but here I am.
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