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Everything posted by ziggyzora

  1. Mine is only 3/4" and 2 color, new picsFound it among those cats, different from others I found and the glass is similar so I keep them all together.
  2. I had some similar to these in the late 1970's, ebay item 180692306319 (sorry don't know how to do a proper link). Also had some more beautiful ones, must have disposed of them all at some time, can't find them now.
  3. How do you find the auction link after all this time?
  4. The solid lobed blue core with red to the right of the pic, with visible cut off?
  5. Me too, thanks guys (mine are less similar for sure). Winnie's one looks exactly the same and matches the description and pic from the exerts shown from the book. Looks like the English connection was only made in the description "English caged fat core" from the article I read, have not found any here.
  6. Great link, many thanks for sharing, not the first time I find something in UK by way of USA!
  7. Agree on cheap paperweight, knew it wasn't right for me but couldn't work out why
  8. I considered that as well, but wouldn't they be more rounded and flat like pebbles if that was the case?
  9. When I found mine, only 3, (in different vintage lots), thought accidental but as you have found a few in one lot that doesn't seem so likely. Could they have been made for playing jacks or stones? Not sure if the game has the some name worldwide but you start by putting one on the back of your hand then throw it up, pick another up from the floor and catch the other with it in your palm, then continue until you fail to make the catch. Blocks of colored plaster or similar have been sold in UK at least since the 1970's for this game, packaged with marbles (not commonly though). Maybe the older versions were made of glass?
  10. Could these be the type in the pic on the right from the book? I keep them as a sub-type of German sparklers, 1"harsh light 1" subdued light1"more10/16ths If it is these, the name "English caged fat core" is not too far out for a good name. Certainly a fat core, not obviously caged, could have been exported more/only to England? It was the Bogard Cat article that arouse my interest, but they look more like a cross between a Vitro Conq and a Pelt Sunburst, than one of these.
  11. Had a machine made marble I liked, id'd as possibly a Bogard cat, so searched more and found an article "C.E. Bogard & Sons Cat Eye". In the article it compared some to "English caged fat core" which I have not heard of and there was no pic to compare with. Have since had info that there is a pic of one in "Castle & Petersons book on Cat's-eyes" but I don't have access to a copy. No connection to the "English Color" solid core type hand mades from Germany (very nice I collect them), but also have no idea how they came by the "English" name.
  12. Read an article on some that were compared to "English caged fat core" What are they? Any pics? thanks
  13. opps... offered to under bidder here 330576375517
  14. Looks like the high bidder changed their mind and were offered to underbidder 330571285234
  15. Naked core on Ebay 220800029914... believe these are coreless swirls, having no core. A naked core being a spiral core and no outer bands. A spiral core with no outer bands being hugely more desirable to me... any thoughts?
  16. Have a great Birthday... and don't forget to invite your Mom to stay
  17. My first contact with the seller was to ask for pics to see condition. Glad they kept the listing running but have not received close up pics.
  18. Ebay item 330571285234? Nice razor ribbons? and nice in general? Someone is trying hard to get the seller to end the listing early.
  19. In a freeforall I would go straight for #2... It is the best, does it's name matter?
  20. Ah ha, that is why it seemed familiar! The ones for sale on Ebay are not available to UK so I just enjoy the copy here, thanks.
  21. Nice polka dot thing! have not seen any like that before. What is the time period you speak of?
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