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Everything posted by kbobam

  1. I kind of like the cat. The rest of them are a little too 'pretty' for me. If I had the kind of money required, I'd probably go for Mike's tree. Although it's delicate and jewel-like, it's also a gnarly old tree, which is pretty cool. And you can change it (carefully!) to look good anywhere. ( :
  2. "Pier to Nowhere"! This one scares me a little bit too, but I like it. And I should point out that I have every neurosis know to man. ( :
  3. A rose by any....oh never mind. The Dali marbles are great, and look especially appropriate on the totally off-kilter checked background. Ann's and Winnie's marbles both made me say something to the effect of "boffo blues!". The 'superaven' really does look like there's something going on there. It might be one of those marbles that you usually think of as 'pretty nice', but occasionally 'see completely' and say "Oh! Look at that!" ( :
  4. They do look nice. Overall, there's an impression that someone made a point of trying to get a particularly nice example of each type. ( :
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgxbHhmMgAk
  6. As an oldie but goodie, I can't remember anything that recent. Including 'yesterday'. But I don't doubt that it had a good design. Cougars had some individuality to them, unlike many Mercury products which were pretty identical to their Ford counterparts. I'm flashing-back now to a car I'm pretty sure was called the Cougar "Eliminator". Going to say about 1970, it was the Cougar 'muscle car'. I don't think it was very popular. Which makes me think it's rare enough that it might set some kind of record if one ever showed up on one of those fancy televised auctions with 500 original miles on it. ( :
  7. Okay. Let's go 180 and see how that works. Just saw an Alfa 8c on the 'Top Gear' show. One of the guys there described it as "the best- looking car ever made". Not certain if you can really say that about anything, but it sure isn't bad. And while visiting with these people who refer to 'high gear' as 'top gear', I also learned that over there 'moto-heads' are 'petrol-heads'. ( :
  8. Geesh, what an uptight-sounding title! I'll be sure to name my next post something like "(Insert breaking wind sound here)"! Here's another example of marbles' staying-power and permeation of society. From the 1993 movie 'Rookie of the Year', here's John Candy, who's nowhere to be seen in the credits but I'd bet good money it's him. He's a very excited stadium-announcer at Wrigley Field, as the Cubs have one final chance to advance to the World Series. (Read the dialogue as if it's all in capitals with lots of exclamation points.) This is for the whole magilla, for the whole ball of wax, for the whole kit and kaboodle, for the whole enchilada, the whole shooting match!
  9. Like it! Sort of 'inviting' and 'ominous' at the same time. Is that a beach? ( :
  10. Ha! I was wondering where he went on his days off!
  11. Here's good old Mike Brady! In another example of what I call a 'real' car. Don't have high-def television, but the emblem looks like it says 'Fury II' or 'III'. I'm vaguely remembering liking these cars, although I was never personally involved with them. They had a good 'look' with their squared-off straight-line design.
  12. I'm totally blown away! Exactly the opposite of my 'short commercial' theory, but when you see this you realize that it's equally 'efficient'. There isn't one second you'd want to cut out. It started with loftier ambitions, so it took a little longer, and succeeded magnificently.
  13. The opening photo is just great! I keep coming back to look at it. ( :
  14. So how do we describe the tea set glass? Babe the Blue Oxblood? Like the virtual box! That particular wood-grain color seems to look good with just about every color known to man. Of course the marbles are great too, but if I get started I'll never shut up. ( :
  15. Here is a moment from a movie shown on a popular 'family-oriented' network. Beans and cheese are the first two things to be set on the family dinner table. Terminal Flatulence is no laughing matter! It's a serious disease which for some strange reason is not taken seriously by the general public! Don't allow irresponsible television which encourages bad behavior to continue! Remember! You won't be chuckling anymore if you or a loved-one are the next to 'spontaneously vaporize'! (I'm Bob Weber. I do not approve this message, and would like to take this moment to apologize profusely in advance!)
  16. Wow. That's just crazy! I was figuring maybe something might happen that you could only see if it was really dark out.
  17. Really? I'll absolutely take a hike with a fluorescent tube if it's possible for some sort of reaction to happen. That would freak me out in a really great way, as long as I didn't think about it too much. Saw some houses under power lines on a recent road trip and flashed-back to old stories (?) I'd heard about cows in that situation giving bad milk.
  18. The marble is insanely magnificent! But the 'pretty' marble stand has got to go. This mib needs to sit on something sophisticated and minimalist. ( :
  19. Can't talk now! Must find aluminum foil! ( :
  20. Every once in a while I put a tray of ice cubes in front of my old microwave oven while I'm cooking something. Just to make sure!
  21. Well it may not have been 'factory', but the luxurious Crown Royal bag, with its regal purple and gold, was the ultimate 'after-market' accessory!
  22. Personally, I thought it was pretty noble of Galen to not withold his bird-knowledge while knowing he was setting himself up. Especially since he's already had more than his fair share of 'coincidental flack' lately! Definitely with Steph and Ann as far as the "Dig those crazy feet!" reaction. Only just now noticed that the 'baby bird' hasn't grown into them yet. ( :
  23. Oh gawd. It's 3:30 in the morning and I can't sleep to save my life. So thanks for listening, although I suggest you 'get out' while you can. While getting a photo ready to post in Photobucket, I was temporarily distracted by their 'featured advertisement'. This involves someone named Bobbi Lane. I have no idea who this is, and don't feel like looking it up. But she was quoted for a Fuji camera ad as saying "The camera you carry is as important as the images you make." This is so wrong on so many levels that I can only think that both Bobbi and Fuji have just hurt themselves horribly. Bobbi, whoever she is, may be otherwise wonderful. but there isn't a serious artist/photographer in the world who'll ever take her seriously again. Pretty much the same thing for Fuji. I know a little bit more about them, and they make some terrific innovative quality cameras, which suit a good percentage of the population as 'ultimate' picture-taking devices. But they just made me sick, and I won't be saying anything that nice again anytime soon. (Will save the original thought, photo, and comments for a later time!)
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