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Everything posted by kbobam

  1. Oh man! I just now saw this at 5:30! Looks like it's an hour show, maybe I'll get lucky.
  2. Thought I had it figured out until I got checkmated with two pieces left. But that's okay! Luckily, the mental effort spent will help me relax and drift into a peaceful sleep tonight. I'm sure the FRUSTRATION won't be a problem at all!
  3. Yep. It was pretty messy. But a nearby piece of paper accidentally became a magnificent abstract work of art. First offer over three figures gets to take it home!
  4. Thanks. Going to attempt for the first time to refill the toner cartridge in a b&w printer later today. Will probably get a pretty good idea of what the guy who broke up the coal looked like. ( :
  5. So how about the rectangular shapes you see at street-level on the two houses here? I want to say they were originally coal-chutes, but don't know where I'm getting that from.
  6. (Those of you who don't know me well should be informed that 'After Midnight' implies I may have had a couple 'slugs from the jug'.) Young people have a pretty good idea of what's wrong with the world and what ought to be done. But they're inexperienced and have no idea how to do it. Middle-aged people are too busy to deal with it. Old people know exactly how to solve everything except getting the others to listen to them. ( :
  7. I saw this guy the other night on TV and had a strange 'looking in the mirror' feeling.
  8. kbobam

    Dr. Who

    I need to check out this show. Have known several brilliant people over the years who've all seemed to like it. Red Dwarf was also sometimes mentioned. Have to try that one too. The video's still really funny.
  9. Not my drawing, but I kind of liked it. ( :
  10. Ha! Thanks, Alyce. They're pretty small! So I'm guessing some of these would come under the category of 'novelty items', and some were made for the purpose of being used in doll houses or other miniaturized scenery situations. ( :
  11. Without Mad Magazine, I probably wouldn't understand how espionage really works, and almost certainly wouldn't have learned Morse Code. ( :
  12. Thanks for the gumball toys pic. Think I'm getting it now. I have a vague recollection of gumball-type machines with little plastic pods in them. Which would make sense for stuff like this which couldn't just be tossed in the machine. I never paid much attention, since I only had eyes for the psychedelic super-balls. Oh-oh. Just remembered that I told the folks at JaboLand a long time ago that I was going to take a photo of these. If you talk to Ant before I do, let him know I'll soon be sending him a photo of my (No, no. I just can't do it!)
  13. Neat cover. Any of you who've wound up at the bowling alley with a young child in tow, and couldn't resist the temptation of letting him take a try, will recognize the posture of the little kid on the left. He doesn't really know what he's doing, but he's going to give it his best shot! ( :
  14. I'm having some kind of mental block with 'gumball toys' and 'miniature dice'. Any chance for a description or photo?
  15. And now that I've looked at the rocks, they're really amazing! I've occasionally 'gone off' about shapes and patterns in nature, although these have always been living things. But I guess 'rocks' are no different. Makes you wonder. Thanks, Lloyd! I can always count on you to join me in appreciating that 'certain something' that some classic designs have. ( :
  16. (Edit: Oh shoot. Sorry, Steph. Haven't looked at the rocks yet. Was responding to the last post on the previous page. ) Whoops, I missed this one until now. Boy they're stunning! They look like the new submersible stealth aircraft currently under development. (Oh-oh. Perhaps I've said too much....) Can't resist adding a shot of a '64 Stingray, certainly one of the best looking American cars ever. ( :
  17. So once again I'm going to make a generously early subtle hint, in the hope that it will provide some guidance for those of my friends struggling with the traditional "what to get the man who has nothing?" holiday problem. http://www.ebay.com/itm/500-500-LAST-ONE-UNUSED-Hasselblad-GOLD-SUPREME-503CW-80mm-f-2-8-A12-NEW-IN-BOX/351126849177?_trksid=p2050601.c100085.m2372&_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140211132617%26meid%3D8943530255138677982%26pid%3D100085%26prg%3D20140211132617%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D261556001131%26clkid%3D8943536408344056894&_qi=RTM1562570
  18. Ha! I don't think I've ever really pictured him in an urban environment. I wonder if it would be a luxury for him to grab a nice filet with no scales fins or bones? ♪♪ How'ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down On The Farm, After They've Seen Paree? ♪♪
  19. My favorite shot is 'The Golden Gate Before The Bridge'. Don't know if that's a proper title or someone's description. Many years ago I got right up close to an 8x10 contact print. It was spectacular. People today who use the term 'full frame' for the 35mm equivalent format size haven't got a clue!
  20. Here's a short film about Ansel Adams. For the sake of full-disclosure, I'm going to say that this will probably be considered kind of 'dry' by most. If you're as old as me, it will remind you of the black and white educational films we occasionally got to see in school as kids. But I think a few of you hard core people will really like it. ( : http://petapixel.com/2012/08/18/a-1958-documentary-about-the-life-and-work-of-photographer-ansel-adams/
  21. She's already 'got' you with the eyebrows at the beginning. And then there's the spectacular 'ledge dis-mount' at the end. This ad probably doesn't have as broad a 'target audience' as some, but it's just too good not to get one of my votes this year. ( : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5dhEala7xs
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