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Everything posted by kbobam
Thanks, Galen You got to the root of the problem! The two car situation threw me off. Saw the rear end of one in the opening credits, and the front end of the other in the show. Just assumed it was the same car. D'oh! Both of them nice 'real' cars, in my opinion.
Unhealthy accumulative effect! A UAE! That's a great term, and no doubt correct! The worst thing I ever got there was a can of 'sweet and sour chicken'. It already had the rice and everything else included. Should have known better, but it's one of my favorite dishes, so I felt obligated to give it a try. Kids! Don't try this at home!
Apparently it was Doris Day's birthday the other day. I'm having a great time watching 'The Doris Day Show' marathon on my local station. Personally, I can't imagine how anyone my age (with a +40 and -10 thrown in) couldn't be secretly totally in love with her. But car-wise, I just screwed up. I erased the first episode I recorded, which showed her car from the front. Now, in the opening credits, they only show her car from the rear. Can any of you moto-heads identify this vehiclle? The entire fantasy idea of Doris showing up at my house in this real car is causing me some serious retro-insanity!
I hope the chili hasn't disappeared forever. The last one I found was a solitary can hidden behind other stuff. Sloppy Joe sounds like a good idea. Haven't tried it, but it would be another good thing to have around for when the "this is just what we need" perfect situation shows up. ( :
Hey, Andrea, Sounds like people here who know what's going on have you covered. But if it makes you feel any better, I had a similar situation a while back. After a month of total h-e double matchsticks, I couldn't take it anymore and opened a new account with a new name and password. Painful! ( :
I like the idea of that combination. A baked potato is actually 'good for you', so this chili would balance things out well! Wait! Forget about balance! Just hit me how great having both sour cream and chili would be on that potato. I think that would be so good that I could go 'diet' and skip the butter entirely! Maybe. ( :
Here is my latest Dollar Tree recommendation. It's definitely 'street chili', but that's maybe a good thing. This is to say that it's the same stuff you can squirt from a machine on your hot-dog at a convenience store. It's delicious. So I'm thinking, this is great for people like me who live a sort of 'Animal House' existence. But it's also a good thing for perfectly proper folk who occasionally have children show up, whether unexpectedly or not. Keeping a can or two on hand, for these wonderful occasions, can be beneficial. Serving a plain hot-dog is a lot better than nothing, but add a melted slice of cheese and some chili and you'll rule! There's an additional benefit in these circumstances if you don't particularly like the parents of the little darlings. They will almost certainly show their appreciation of the fine meal by 'trumpeting' loudly on the drive home!
It's almost 10:00 PM on the East Coast! Seriously? Nothing from anyone? Maybe I grew up in a particularly good time on the Lower East Side of New York. All I remember is that when one group celebrated, we all did. Chinese, Italian, Irish, if there was a party going on you were welcomed as a temporary member of a completely different ethnic background. (It's possible that this was a necessary release for us New Yorkers, since we tend to generally hate each other, regardless of origin.) I also remember 8x10 photos of Jack Kennedy and Martin Luther King in almost every small business establishment you might visit. Personal politics and race didn't matter that much. It just seemed right to show respect for good people. Anyway, here's a shot of a green marble. I think this one is technically more of a 'mineral sphere'. Also think this is called 'aventurine', although not the same thing that most of us would think of. If anyone has any knowledge of this distinction, I'd appreciate hearing about it. ( :
Can't see whom? Nice flower pic though. It does start off sounding unfair, but then it becomes clear that Daisy is a 'lady' and Cooper is an old fart who just doesn't give a blank. I'm not proud of it, but I can 'relate'. ( :
I'm so glad to hear about the cilantro! It's one of the greatest things on Earth. If you can keep some actually in the pot, that's terrific. The second choice is to buy a small 'bunch' at the grocery. The best technique for preservation that I've found is to cut off a small fraction of an inch at the bottom of the stems. Put the bunch in a tall glass of water so about an inch of the stems are submerged. Cover this whole deal with a plastic grocery bag and keep it in the fridge. The bag just sits there on top of it. You're not trying to make a tight seal. I don't know why this works, but I'm going to be eating some tonight that I've had in there for a couple weeks. ( :
I'd forgotten all about Ally McBeal! Great show and great song, but as a huge Joni Mitchell fan, I don't think there's much point in anyone else trying to sing her songs. With one exception, all her songs are just as she and God intended them to be. (For some reason, she never sang what might be her best song well. But Judy Collins 'nailed it', so life is good.) Really like that one, Winnie! I hope they win. It makes me think of 'folk' just as much as 'country'. Most people in this country don't even remember 'folk'. (By 'most people' I mean people who aren't old as dirt like me.) But it included a lot of really terrific stuff, both 'nice' and 'radical'. Don't really understand 'country' music as it's done now. It usually seems kind of 'folksy', but apparently you're not allowed to sing it unless you wear stupid clothing and have a Southern accent. There are so many 'country' people up North, and that continues all the way through Canada until you get to Alaska, that I just don't understand this at all. ( :
I've always liked those Patrick 'Rebels' and a few others. Completely understand those who don't, but I'm probably not as 'involved' as they are, so am coming from a more limited place. ( :
Well, this whole idea isn't really any different from an open-casket, is it? I don't personally like this sort of thing, but can certainly respect it as something that brings comfort and closure to a large number of people.
Yo-yo is an interesting idea. Wouldn't have thought of that, but a semi-round object in a two dimensional photo could certainly appear completely round. Combining info from Winnie and Stacy, since I know nothing myself, the 'rattle hypothesis' sounds really good for the second photo. And that large a marble would be too heavy. Super great old photo from Akronmarbles!
I didn't get far enough into this recording to make 'the marble connection', but I like the music so far. It's exciting and relaxing at the same time. Which is unusual and nice. ( : The 'Layla Measurement' is hilarious! I'm a little hesitant to say that this was an all time great song, done by an all time great musician. Until 1974! Which was when he did 'I shot the sheriff'. which is one of the most hideous songs of all time. I completely wrote him off then, and he continued to do nothing but dreck from then on. At one point I think we were mentioning 'theme' songs from TV shows and similar. Here's a quick clip from the intro to 'The Goldbergs'. No idea where this is from, but I really like this music. ( :
Over three inches! I'm with Aleecee. Maybe more so. I'd have kept myself several feet away at all times. ( : "I pity the fool who doesn't buy my Shrinky Dinks!"
This link is on-topic. You'll have to trust me.
It's still painfully Pavlovian!
Thanks! I love the last line. Although it's slightly similar to a legal disclaimer, the important thing is that it shows your mind hasn't been turned off and that you're tuned in to infinite possibilities!
They're too beautiful to eat!
Nice. Many years ago I lived in Northern Virginia. For those who aren't familiar, that's a loose term for the parts of Virginia that are basically an extension of Washington D.C. There was a large Asian population, and it was just great. Thai restaurants, and a market down the street that had Asian sub sandwiches. Thinly sliced pork with those rainbow edges, with some unusual but delicious vegetation. Although I might trade that all for wherever it was your seafood-fest photo from a while back was from. I'm still hungry from that. ( :
I looked at the auction link, expanded the Q&A, and I'm completely baffled. It sounds to me like anyone who tries to sell anything at any price with a buy-it-now option loses that option if someone bids one cent on it. Am I missing something? And what's up with the double-listing situation? Where did that leave the person who figured he should have gotten the marble?
There've been so many amazing marbles lately, that I've been holding back. But I don't want to be accused of 'slacking', so here's a humble Akro. It was described as a double-ingot, but to tell you the truth, it looks more like a 'triple' to me. I know this is probably silly. ( :
Well I really hate to go on after that one! But while I'm thinking of it, want to mention that anyone who likes sweet and sour dishes might like my latest greatest Dollar Tree bargain. I liked it so much, I went back and got several more bottles just to make sure that I don't run out of Luv Yu for a Long Time! Should mention that it has a small kick to it, but it's mostly sweet. I'd call the heat rating 'mild' but not 'extra mild'. ( :