I'm about as insignificant a player in the marble world as they come, probably spent less than $100 with you over the years. Regardless, you always treated me with the same respect and dignity and courtesy you no doubt accorded to all of us. You have always been the most approachable, real, and dependable authority on marbles in the entire community. You make everyone feel welcome and comfortable. No intimidation, no high-falutin attitudes. I could ask you anything, and you unfailingly responded -- and usually the same freaking day! -- with the same courtesy, respect, and accuracy I imagine you gave to everybody. You have set a standard that needed setting, for that alone we are all forever in your debt.
And you can still make me laugh out loud! I had no idea who Cheryl was until she signed a post as your ex-wife. I laughed because it did not surprise me in the least that your ex-wife AND her husband were in the trenches with you here. Good people draw good people around them, and you've lived your entire life honorably. That's just the kind of person you are. I love you, Alan, thanks for everything!
Linda K