Subject: Steven Lundberg 12/29/53 - 04/12/08
Greetings Friends Old & New
Family of Near & Far-
If you are reading this then I am no longer amongst the living.
I’m “singing with the choir invisible”, and all the other Monty Python superlatives you can recall. I wanted to be the first to tell you. Hey, it’s not often you get e-mail from “the other side”, right? It’s strange feel your life drain away like petals from a cherry tree falling in the breeze.
The primary reason I wanted to tell you myself is because I lived twice as long as was predicted and we spent all our savings. So, instead of sending flowers or contributing to a worth cause in my name, could I persuade you to make an offering to the “Foundation Ola”?
Ola Lundberg:
P.O. Box 293, Talent, OR 97540. UPS or Fed Ex: 121 Wagner Butte Ave, Talent OR 97540.
You know when the time comes Ola will return the favor, doubly.
After a short while, give her a call: 415-512-1435. You can always say that I came to you in a dream, telling you to call her to tell her that I still love her. FOREVER.
While I still have the strength, I would like to say it was an honor sharing the same air, and this “crazy little thing called life” with you all.
Peace and Keep on Shining,
Steven Scott Lundberg