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Everything posted by bubba1

  1. and some more tonight (9/17-Thursday). couple nice masters and some of my MK's...take a peek!
  2. i just hate to let this thread die....i know some of you "old time" collectors have some nice MK's to show! here's a couple more i got in the mail toay. just under 1'' bengal: almost a hercules (darnit! nice blend though) and 5 color patch: "newer" hercules and nice green/yellow/purple rainbow: girlscouts (which i have the darnedest time finding):
  3. what doesn't make sense to me with the "dsr" stuff is 4 stars is "accurate, satisfied, etc", 5 stars is "very accurate, very satisfied, etc.".....so why should anyone be penalized for being accurate and not very accurate. seems very subjective! i agree it's a mess...and sucks...and wish there was a better way!
  4. i don't pay much attention to those...enough other stuff to worry about in my life and i guess i don't qualify as a "powerseller" so it really makes no difference to me. ebay just frustrates me all around....fees, rules, new fees, new rules, etc....... i do think you are paying too much for padded envelopes though...i get mine for about .15-.20 a piece. PM me and I can shoot you the website. d
  5. i think i found a "sorta" match for that bright yellow one kev posted earlier in the thread....colors are certainly different, but otherwise...??? (that marble keeps me up at night!! LOL) http://cgi.ebay.com/1STOP-RARE-Marble-King-hybrid-blue-green-yellow-marbles_W0QQitemZ120470193871QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMarbles?hash=item1c0c9546cf&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14
  6. yep, the first bag i got i thought it was an oversight or error and they just left out the shooter....then after the next one i looked close and there is the one that is just slightly larger! i guess that's a whole other can of worms. lol
  7. awesome! is the cat a shooter?
  8. man, those are just too cool ric. (and great pics!)
  9. i emailed jill a couple weeks ago about these and she told me she was in the process of moving and when she gets settled she was going to get back to me. i got several of the lots she had on ebay last christmas and it was a blast to go through and wash...almost like christmas! lol
  10. more went up today 9/15 (sorry about the early AM time....scheduling error! put up that really nice handmade (naked thick ribbon peppermint core), swirls, vitros, PPP's...... http://shop.ebay.com/electricmayhem75/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=
  11. just to torment kev a little! lol! a couple of my recent aquisitions.
  12. more up tonight (9/13)...couple big groups of swirls at .99!
  13. wow!................wow! i'm still having a hard time seeing the MK in this one, certainly not arguing, just trying to picture it! i've got some pretty swirly ones, but nothing even close to this. d
  14. bottom two look like rainbos...but i don't think the top two patches are peerless..??
  15. those peewees are SWEET! i couldn't hazard a guess though! nice find!!
  16. can we see more views of that wild one?? as a MK it would look outstanding in my collection!
  17. is that a pelt (one steph reposted)??? certainly is wild!
  18. FINALLY got a "real" green hornet....and a super bonus (just under 15/16'') shooter!! :happy-857:
  19. thanks all!! and to steph for moving this for me!!
  20. don't know if they are better, but here is more:
  21. i'll see if i can get some better pics a little later on this evening.
  22. nope, nothing on the outside--i think i'll just take tons of pics and list it as a handmade! lol
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