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Everything posted by bubba1

  1. i really don't know.....if they are masters i would say probably along those lines. maybe some similar construction the left one here (which was ID'd as Tiger Eye variant)??
  2. i know there are some Vitro collectors out there that love these Parrots! take a peek and make an offer (you guys know what to pay for these way better than i do!!).
  3. sunday october 4th--pelts, master's, MK's, pelts, and vitros. stop by and take a look!
  4. with my limited knowledge i would have guessed 80% vitro, 20% master.....and then i would have taken pics and posted them for ID!
  5. okay! i made a sale....let's keep it going! don't be shy in MAKING AN OFFER, i love to say SOLD!!! also i've been putting the link in all my emails when i let people know their marbles are being shipped (from ebay). i'd love to see more auctions posted too....get some MK's up (i can never help myself!!). d
  6. thursday 10/1/09 a nice master, pelts and akros (corks and patches). http://shop.ebay.com/electricmayhem75/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p3686
  7. listed 2 VERY nice Parrots on Mibauctions tonight! Take a look and PLEASE FEEL FREE TO MAKE AN OFFER!!!! http://www.mibauctions.com/other_items.php?owner_id=100048
  8. i keep almost all of mine under $2....but i've been really lucky with my ebay clientele!
  9. jack's or mine? (most of mine are...couple shooters in there.)
  10. here's a big group i sold recently....all jabos and all glowed in one way or another.
  11. tuesday (9/29)--pelts, vitros, patches, slags...
  12. bump....someone out there must be itching to make an offer! i priced the stuff kinda high with that intention.
  13. 11/16'' no colors in the core, all stripes near the surface thanks in advance, d
  14. more auctions tonight (9/27/09--Sunday)....pelts, patches, akro peewees, and vitros!
  15. 7/8'' and has a light little sprinkling of aventurine
  16. more tonight--german slags, vitros, pelts.....(9/24--Thursday) http://shop.ebay.com/electricmayhem75/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=
  17. Craig, i certainly understand your frustration. i just don't know how we could get the ebay BUYERS to come on over. i took a break from selling marbles (ebay or anywhere) and have just started back up in the last couple months. i posted quite a few auctions at your site in the beginning but i think i only sold 2 marbles. the same auctions (i usually just copied and pasted) put on ebay nearly always sold. it's that exposure i mentioned earlier. i had mentioned MibAuctions.com in my Ebay listings, but you can imagine how that went over!! i personally think buyers are crazy if they don't stop by because there is some SUPER deals to be had (no competition) and usually some pretty nice upper end marbles to look at and at least wish (i sure would like that red patch Pelt "Kayo"). very sorry that this didn't work out!! d
  18. i listed some marbles over at MibAuctions.com tonight. trying whatever i can to get away from those ebay fees. if you see something you like please feel free to MAKE AN OFFER!!! i'd like to be able to move all my selling over here, but sadly i just don't get near the exposure. http://www.mibauctions.com/other_items.php?owner_id=100048
  19. OUTSTANDING!!! Thanks a million, that was incredible helpful. d
  20. lol....which one...i have 3 MK's and a pelt...but the answer to all is no. they are all sadly opaque.
  21. still more up tonight (9/22) Tuesday. Pelts, Vitros, CACs....etc.
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