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Everything posted by bubba1

  1. lol....i'm glad this popped to the top! i've got one of those Pachinko balls and have been wondering what the heck it was.
  2. hmmmmm...like that one. not sure it's a MK, that pinkish color is pretty unusual. maybe vitro? it's almost got the colors like those coral swirls...?
  3. bo, is there aventurine in the the green on those? if so i believe they are referred to as "grasshoppers"! and i agree they sure did make some cool stuff! (can't help myself):
  4. flathead are UGLY! i caught a little one once and one of the kids on the boat started crying!
  5. more posted tonight (9/8).....some really nice swirls!!
  6. no spaces, the core seems to be all one piece
  7. definitely MK...and they come in all kinds of shades and colors!
  8. thanks ric...i think i fixed it in my post! kev, i'm only planning on ebaying a couple MK's. i think i got one of those blended spideys coming up (trying to get a small idea of value)
  9. well, i'm trying to thin my collection down to MK's (and some pelts, and akros.., and some alleys with avent....), ANYWAY, over the next month or two i'll have some pretty nice stuff to look at. i'll be putting up probably 15-20 auctions a week. http://shop.ebay.com/electricmayhem75/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg= be sure to check out the SPECTACULAR MINT parrot that went up tonight (sunday)! (and don't tell ebay, but i don't strictly follow their electronic payment only rule.....) i think i posted this in the wrong spot---didn't read the rules first! sorry, and i'd move it if i knew how!!
  10. doesn't look "newer" to me....i'm terrible with swirls, but i don't think alley is a horrible guess!
  11. there are so many shades i think it would be impossible to get them all! i think i couple of these might be close....??
  12. here's a wild one (and excuse the photos)--got it for .99 (+ ship) 1/2 blue base, 1/2 green base and loaded with chunk and fine avent:
  13. ??? the construction looks right (2nd)! where is dutch when you need him?? i just don't have one with those vibrant colors---could be your awesome picture taking!! this one is kind of the same construction without the colors:
  14. i'd wait for some of the heavy hitters to chime in...but i'd bet money it's a pelt NLR of some kind.
  15. looks right to me...but ??? almost all my dug MK's have come from people who i trust actually know (if that makes sense). so when i run across one in a random lot i always have to scratch my head....did you get this with a bunch of other MK's? edit: didn't realize those were TWO marbles! first one i'd say yes!! second one see above! lol
  16. lol...okie, i just made that name up in the other thread! sorry to confuse!!! i was just trying to explain the colors i was seeing--yellow/green = lemon lime and blue/yellow = cubscout. sorry again, d
  17. okie, that would be a newer MK 'ninja turtle' i believe, people often try to pass them off as 'watermelons' (which is what would have been sweet!). i think some of the newer MK's are pretty spectacular looking, i got rid of all my really colorful ones before i started really collecting them. 2nd and 4th in the first pic i'd say were akros, maybe the middle one as well..?? maybe need more views. (kev beat me to it!)
  18. here's one i had with that orange peely surface that was IDed as Alox or Master.
  19. i don't know.... the only "seams" i'm seeing is where the black/blue meet..?? it's a wierd one. i'm seeing the akros also (in okie's), but nice nonetheless. i'm wondering if there is a green patch on the bottom of that mib in the first pic, far right? i think i know the answer, but it would be awesome if there was. how bout this one? it's my 30-ingot:
  20. is the avent in the BLACK? (i think i see bit of sparkle in there..) i don't have any MK's with black avent---always in the green! could it be a really wacky pelt?? if so....WOW! might need it's own thread!
  21. black widows (and variants): couple more favs: MORE favs: red/orange blends: cookies & cream/bee patch:
  22. let's see what else i got! girlscouts: bengal tigers: blue/green: blends (i believe lower right is "West Virginian"): 1" original bags:
  23. kev.....wow! is that a black streak (am i seeing red in it? maybe ox?) and green patch on the bottom? wow! i almost don't think it is a MK...??? wow! so black/yellow = bee, blue/yellow = scout, green/yellow = girl, triple hybrid? lol! it is very nice! here's a pic of my kato (3/4''): sorry bout the crappy pic--i need to get a new one!
  24. okay just a few more and then bed! peewees: clear based (and golden boy): aventurine:
  25. peacocks: robin's eggs: spideys: berry pinks: hybrids:
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